The Student Room Group

Primark jeans

What are they like? Good quality? Good fit? I tend to be one of those people who can't find anything decent in Primark, but I'm going to try really hard next week when I go shopping! :smile:

So, any recommendations? Or is it better to spend a bit more for better quality on the high street?

Cheers me dears! :biggrin:

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Probably not the best quality in the world but for that price you can't really complain to be honest.

Would you rather invest in a decent pair of longlasting jeans? Or get several cheap pairs for the same price (allowing you to wear different styles etc)? :p:
Reply 2
I would personally rather spend more for better quality on the high street.
Reply 3
Yeah, you see, I have a pair of River Island jeans that I love, but hav worn out so much now, but I'm a student, so am thinking if I could find a decent pair of dark skinnies but for quite cheap, I'd feel less guilty about already owning a pair, but no longer being happy with them :biggrin:
Reply 4
I find their legs aren't as wide as the sizes make them out to be the waist seems to be fine.
Reply 5
I suppose I'll have to go in and try for myself anyhoo. Oh god, I hate the Bham primark - I walk in, see all these women, and walk straight out again. I may go in there first at opening to try and beat the queues. And trodden on clothes.
Reply 6
Go on a Wednesday morning, thats when they get all the new stock in and it's nice and empty, except you have to be there at about 9am.
Reply 7
Well I bought one pair of baggy jeans which are very good quality and good fit, for £9. But I also bought a pair of straight leg jeans that are so ****ing irritating it's unbelievable. They feel like ****, the waist is huuuge but the thighs are tiny, they're too long and they feel like they twist slightly, so they're pretty uncomfortable. My advice would be to try everything on before you buy it.
Reply 8
It's a mixed bag- some are good fits and some aren't. Quality wise I'd say they're not any worse than New Look jeans.
i've never bought any, i'd rather spend more on jeans as they are a wardrobe staple
Reply 10
I never buy jeans from Primark, but they only have 'Regular' which means the leg is 30" or 32". Thye never have short or petite (which I am). So I get mine from Matalan.
Reply 11
Ah, thanks everyone. Maybe I'll give them a miss - especially considering I'm tall, so a 32" probably wouldn't fit (Thanks for that heather 1)

i bought some a few day's ago (see my other posts for pic and info) they are ok quality i just wanted something jean that would last me the winter to tuck into boots and the ones i have got seem to do the job- how long they will last i dont know but for £6 im not expecting much. As for the size obviously they are not the best fitting jeans but they arent awful
Reply 13
i'm a good size eight. but i find that the jeans from primark fit me but r abit long at the bottom. :frown:
i brought some jeans from Primark once, wore them a couple of times and then realised the dye from the jeans had started to run so i had a kinda blue waist! :s-smilie:
i never wore them again, lol
Reply 15
Hey, i'm wearing a pair of Primark Skinny jeans now, size 10 and im quite tall. they where only £6 and i think they are great!! i've never tried there other jeans but id say give em a go!!
Reply 16
i'm wearing some too :biggrin: and they serve me well. quality is fine, sizing is fine, price is awesome!
...are crap
Reply 18
First couple of wears most jeans will show some dye leakage :biggrin:

I never spend more than £10 on jeans, its not healthy :biggrin:

Donnay shop have some great ones for like £7 atm :P I'm gonna go buy like 10 of em for uni :biggrin:
Reply 19
Well I bought one pair of baggy jeans which are very good quality and good fit, for £9. But I also bought a pair of straight leg jeans that are so ****ing irritating it's unbelievable. They feel like ****, the waist is huuuge but the thighs are tiny, they're too long and they feel like they twist slightly, so they're pretty uncomfortable. My advice would be to try everything on before you buy it.

hahahah! You bought emo jeans :biggrin: