The Student Room Group
hey there i am gona start geography this year too :smile: what are you doing BSC or BA?
Reply 2
Hi, yea i doing a BA in geography, but only really interested in human geography so might swap and do development geography!
All ready for uni?
yeah i think so, just got to sort my finances out and stuff like that they got my name wrong again on the forms :P they did this in high school and college lol. Where are located for accomodation?
Reply 4
hello, im also taking geog but only interested in the human aspect of it, do you think it will be a wise move to switch to development geography?
not sure myself being that i am in the same boat going there for the first time myself, i guess it all depends on the individual, anyway i think after a while we will get our own feel's for what we like best :smile:
Reply 6
When i went on the open day at kings they said that it was pretty easy to switch to do development geography, but will see what the BA geography is like before i swap.
Have any of you guys started getting any of the books of the reading list?
I'm guessing you'll be needing an Atlas? Ok, guys, I am soooooooooo sorry, but couldn't resist that one. :wink: It probably just highlights my ignorance! Hehe!
Reply 8
ohdear, here come all the lame geography jokes :frown: . and no i havn't started to get the reading list yet, i think i will wait till the start of term
hey guys i got a list through today :smile: well a few days ago but it went to the wrong address lol. anyone else got it through?
Hey. I'm not actually going to do Geography, but this was posted in a KCL 2007 facebook group. Hope it helps! x

-the two-mile time machine: ice cores, abrupt climate change and our future. (Alley RB)
- Natures metropolis; chicago and the great west. (Cronon,W)
-Collapse Viking. (Diamon, J)
-Sophie's World. (Gaarder, J)
- Biodiversity: An introduction, 2nd ed. (Gason, K + Spicer, JI)
- Age of Extremes: the short twentieth century. (Hobsbawm, E)
- Science, Philosophy and physical geography. (Inkpen R)
-Preparing for the twenty-first century. (Kenny, P)
-No Logo. (Klein, N)
- The skeptical environmentalist. (Lomborg, B)
- Global Warming: a very short introduction. (Maslin, M)
-The age of consent; a manifesto for a new world order. (Monbiot, G)
- Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum: How Humans Took Control of Climate. (Ruddiman, WF)
- So shall we Reap: whats gone wrong with the worlds food- and how to fix it. (Tudge, C)

- The arts: good study guide, (Chambers, E & Northedge, A)
- Study skills for geography students: a practical guide [2nd ed] . (Kneale, P)
- A guide to learning independently . (Marshall, L and rowland, F)
-The Good study guide, open university (Northedge, A)
- The students companion to geography. (Rogers,A , Viles, H and Goudie, AS)
- The students writing guide for the arts and social sciences. (Taylor, G)

- Key methods in geography. (Clifford, N & Valentine, G)
- Introducing human geographies. (Cloke, P .,Crang, P & Goodwin, M)
-Key concepts in geography. (Holloway, S., Rice, S & VAlentine, G)
-Geography and geographers[6th ed] . (Johnston, R & Sidaway, S
-Introducing Physical geography [3rd ed] ( strahler, A)

(in additional to texts below read broadsheet papers and economist on regular basis to widen your knowledge on contemporary human geography issues)
- Politics and the environment: from theory to practice. (connelly, J)
-Gems, Guns and Steel. (diamond, J)
-The Dictionary of human geography [4th ed] . (Johnston, RJ)
-The geography of the world economy [3rd ed] . (Knox, pl & agnew, JA)
- Urban Social Geography: an introduction [5th ed] (Knox, pl &agnew, JA)
-Human Societies, [7th ed] . (Lenski, G.,Nolan,P & Lenski, J)
- Political Geography [3rd ed] . (Taylor, PJ)
- Geographies of Consumption (Mansvelt, J)

-Mediterranean desertification and land use. (Brandt, CJ * thornes, JB
-The Big Smoke. (Brimblecombe, P)
-The global casino: an introduction to environmental issues [3rd ed] . (Middleton, N)
-Global Environmental Change. (Moore, PD)
- Environmental Science for environmental management. (Riordan, T)
- Geographies of agriculture: globalisation, restructuring and sustainability. (Robinson, G)
-An introduction to tropical rainforests. (Whitmore, TC)

- What is this thing called science? [2nd ed] (Chalmers, AF)
- Physical Geography: Its Nature and Methods (Haines- Young, R and Petch, J)
-Geography: History and Concepts, [2nd ed] . (Holt-Jensen, A)
- Geography and Geographers: Anglo-American Human Geography Since 1945, [4th ed]

-Fundamentals of the physical environmental Change, [3rd ed] .(Briggs, DJ and Smithson, PA, Addison, P and Atkinson, K)
-Environmental Change, [3rd ed] .(Goudie, AS)
-Physical Geography, Science and Systems of the Human Environment. (Strahler, A)