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UCL Welcome Pack?

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Your course if it's big enough will probably have something organised for you. We've organised 2 nights out for the freshers one of which is a pub crawl
I just got the same thing in the post aswell...i was expecting more. :frown:

Bit of an anti-climax wasn't it?
Reply 42
I agree, it seems every single event seems to revolve around clubs and whatnot, which really isn't my cup of tea.

Same here really.
Clubs/club music isn't really for me, it's ok once in a while with the right people.
This freshers week doesn't exactly cater for all.. a majority maybe.
Perhaps if I find the right sort people then I might find something else to do that doesn't involve going to a club playing headache music all night haha.
Reply 43
once we've moved in i'm sure you'll be able to find people and head down to a pub or something. i'm not a huge club fan either.
Reply 44
paddy is confused.
Freshers ball is in a club. How does that work? What do we wear? How is it an actual ball?
It better be good ;dry;
Reply 45
That pack was a bit of a letdown. The only useful thing to me was that calendar, as they advertised it like there were 3 events, so the calendar cleared up that other stuff is actually happening.
Reply 46
I bet all the union people will be chuffed to bits to read all these lovely comments about their welcome pack.

I quite enjoyed reading the little handbook, but I'm a bit sick of all the leaflets about bad student accounts and insurance. "You're going to get mugged lots, so get lots of insurance plzkthx."
Reply 47
The union stuff looks rubbish so glad I have all the law stuff too, looks far better than all the events union are organizing, only union thing I'll go to is the ball at ministry.
Reply 48
I heard UoLU is better than UCLU, but I don't know whether they're holding events too or at what time.
I got my pack today and after reading it, I agree with the people complaining about the clubbing overdose.
This frashers ball thing looks scary. I don't have any posh clothes and I've never been to anything even remotely formal since I was a kid (when any misbehaviour/bad etiquette on my part were my mum's fault).

I like the little handbook though.
I bet all the union people will be chuffed to bits to read all these lovely comments about their welcome pack.

I quite enjoyed reading the little handbook, but I'm a bit sick of all the leaflets about bad student accounts and insurance. "You're going to get mugged lots, so get lots of insurance plzkthx."

Whats with the insurance, it was like their saying we should get insurance because were practically going to get our stuff stolen.
Reply 51
Is anyone getting insurance even though we get free basic cover?
Is anyone getting insurance even though we get free basic cover?

I think I'm going to upgrade the basic insurance to cover me for criminal assault. I'm fairly muggable (I like walking home at night, pissed up and listening to my Mp3 player whilst texting stupid things to my friends...).

I might insure my laptop too, but my mum reckons it'll be covered by her home insurance policy. Any opinions on that?
Reply 53
Fishfinger Sandwich
I think I'm going to upgrade the basic insurance to cover me for criminal assault. I'm fairly muggable (I like walking home at night, pissed up and listening to my Mp3 player whilst texting stupid things to my friends...).

I might insure my laptop too, but my mum reckons it'll be covered by her home insurance policy. Any opinions on that?

I don't see the point in insuring my laptop as the free insurance covers it. (it said computer equipment up to £1,500 my laptops only worth about £750). I'm not going to move it from my room so unless someone breaks in and nicks it (in which case i'll be covered) i shouldn't need insurance....i think. :s-smilie:

I'm confused about the insurance it seems to cover pretty much everything....but i must be missing something :confused: . I'm not bothered about being covered if i get mugged because i never carry anything valuable except my mobile but i wouldn't be too bothered if that was stolen.
I don't see the point in insuring my laptop as the free insurance covers it. (it said computer equipment up to £1,500 my laptops only worth about £750). I'm not going to move it from my room so unless someone breaks in and nicks it (in which case i'll be covered) i shouldn't need insurance....i think. :s-smilie:

I'm confused about the insurance it seems to cover pretty much everything....but i must be missing something :confused: . I'm not bothered about being covered if i get mugged because i never carry anything valuable except my mobile but i wouldn't be too bothered if that was stolen.

My laptop's only worth about £350 but I'm still going to insure it. The insurance UCL gives you doesn't cover you for losing your laptop outside of your room (or having it nicked on the street). I plan to move about a bit with my laptop, so I'll need that.
From what you've said, I can't think of anything you'd need that UCL's insurance doesn't give you.
The only upgrade I plan to get is the anti-mugging one (oh and maybe the laptop one, as I said earlier). I can't decide whether or not to cover myself for a major disaster whilst at uni (the kind that means you have to drop out).
Reply 55
I'm not taking out any additional cover, and I kept getting confused when they sent me all these cover leaflets - we're already well covered by UCL.

As for the laptop thing, mine will stay in my room so I'm covered there. Good also I'm not as reliant on it as I once was (I've put all my important stuff online now in email attachments etc) so as long as I'm covered the loss of it wouldn't be the end of the world now (obviously it'd still be very upsetting). I've also got a Kensington lock now, so hopefully if the worst happened, the opportunist thief might have to leave without my laptop.
Reply 56
Fishfinger Sandwich

The only upgrade I plan to get is the anti-mugging one (oh and maybe the laptop one, as I said earlier). I can't decide whether or not to cover myself for a major disaster whilst at uni (the kind that means you have to drop out).

LOL anti-mugging! That made me laugh :biggrin: sounds as though you're talking about insurance that prevents you from getting mugged...i think everybody would sign up for it if that was the case. :smile:

I've also got a Kensington lock now, so hopefully if the worst happened, the opportunist thief might have to leave without my laptop.

What's that?? I think i've got one on my laptop but i don't know what it is.
Reply 57
What's that?? I think i've got one on my laptop but i don't know what it is.

Its like a bike lock for laptops. There's a hole on the back or side of all new laptops for one. You plug in the lock and lock with a key. The other end of a wire is then wrapped through something solid e.g. a hole in a desk (so its hoop locked). Then anyone robbing you will have a hard time taking your laptop. Granted if they have a pair of ****-off clippers or something they might get through the metal wire, but in terms of opportunist thieves who happen upon your room, its added protection.

Only problem is when you lose your key lol....
Reply 58
Its like a bike lock for laptops. There's a hole on the back or side of all new laptops for one. You plug in the lock and lock with a key. The other end of a wire is then wrapped through something solid e.g. a hole in a desk (so its hoop locked). Then anyone robbing you will have a hard time taking your laptop. Granted if they have a pair of ****-off clippers or something they might get through it, but in terms of opportunist thieves who happen upon your room, its added protection.

Only problem is when you lose your key lol....

Ah right, i don't think i have one of those. They sound good though...i want one but my laptop doesn't seem to have any holes in it.
Reply 59
It looks like this (=) - well ish. Its like a rectangle but curved ends. Its pretty small, just bigger than a plug socket for headphones. You should have it if your laptop is less than like 5 years old.