The Student Room Group

worrys about St Anselm

hello all,

i've just been accepted to Manchester to do Drama & English,which i was over the moon about, but i've ended up in St. Anselm Hall which, frankly, i really didn't want to end up in. i know its my own fault and shouldn't have put it down and all but, well, its done now i guess

is there anyone else going to be in St. Anselms, or anybody already at Manchester that can tell me anything about what its like. i've this glorious vision of it being like The History Boys (not good)

of course I'm 99% sure that i'll have an amazing time no matter where I stay but it'd be great to hear some feedback.

cheers x
Reply 1
From what I've experienced as a visitor to the hall (I live at Dalton Ellis), its very lively and has a good social and sports side. They team up with Dalton Ellis and most usually, the girls-only hall of residence!!

If you don't enjoy it, you can arrange for a transfer in October, for a fee of £36.
The socials are good! I'm at Gab's (the girl's hall) btw. I'm sure u'll be ok; just give it a bit of time & see how it goes.
I was in St. Gabriels last year and to be honest it really wasn't my thing at all, I'm not going to be rude or offensive about it but I just didn't enjoy the socials they set up and it just wasn't for me.
Basically I stayed in to sleep and work and that was it.
Reply 4

If you are doing English and Drama yur social life will be crammed, as will your timetable and the amount of work you have to do, so you wont have time for anything else, i wouldnt worry about it!!!
