The Student Room Group

romantic or sexual surprises!

I need your expert help!

Right okay, it's my girlfriend's birthday soon - i am also a girl, and whilst i'm trying to think of what to get her as a birthday present, i want to think of something really nice i can give her or do for her. So i was hoping you guys could pull together some romantic ideas, or some sexual ideas (i've already done the spelling out i love you in candles, and we've done pretty much the basic lesbian things e.g normal sex and strap-on use) that i could delight her with??? I'm kind of stuck for ideas! So any stories of what girlfriends/boyfriends have done for you, is more than welcome as well as any ideas you've always wanted to try out!

Help!! Thank you!
Reply 1
my boyfriend once done like a midnight picnic, with lots of candles and wine outside, which was really cute. take a bath together, cook her a meal, massage whatever you do i'm sure she'll appreciate the thought.

(the saying 'i love you' in candles is so cute)
If she works, have a bath with bubbles and candles run for her when she gets home and bring her up a glass of wine. Cook her her favourite meal, maybe recreate one of your dates or put on some music that holds special meaning for both of you. How about writing some vouchers for her, things like IOU a date, or a massage, you get the idea. And I agree the I love you in candles is sooo sweet, I may steal the idea :biggrin: One of the little things my boyfriend did for me that made me gooey was to get out of the bath first and hold out my towel for me and wrap me up in it, made me feel all special :biggrin:

Hope she has a good birthday,
Reply 3
Let's go easy on the graphic details of the sexual things, ja?
Reply 4
I need your expert help!

Right okay, it's my girlfriend's birthday soon - i am also a girl, and whilst i'm trying to think of what to get her as a birthday present, i want to think of something really nice i can give her or do for her. So i was hoping you guys could pull together some romantic ideas, or some sexual ideas (i've already done the spelling out i love you in candles, and we've done pretty much the basic lesbian things e.g normal sex and strap-on use) that i could delight her with??? I'm kind of stuck for ideas! So any stories of what girlfriends/boyfriends have done for you, is more than welcome as well as any ideas you've always wanted to try out!

Help!! Thank you!

This doesn't fit into my worldview.

Perhaps you might have a pillow/tickle fight. Film it, and put it on the internet. That way you share the joy of deviation.

Alternatively, abuse her for four weeks beforehand, then on the night of your accomplice's birthday, stop and she will think it a wonderful gift.
Reply 5
my boyfriend once done like a midnight picnic, with lots of candles and wine outside, which was really cute. take a bath together, cook her a meal, massage whatever you do i'm sure she'll appreciate the thought.

(the saying 'i love you' in candles is so cute)

awww that's a really nice idea! Thanks for your help (And thank you :smile: - she looked at it from upstairs too, so it was all out on the ground - it was a nightmare though cuz it was really windy! lol )

More ideas welcome!!
Reply 6
Let's go easy on the graphic details of the sexual things, ja?

Yes i agree! If there's any explict suggestions - message me! lol And BJ-Dubois, whilst i don't appreciate your comment, you were vaguely funny lol so i'll let you off
I don't know your living situation, but maybe a kitten, complete with "I love you" bow?

I can't help on the sexual stuff much, though believe me, I really did try to think it through thoroughly :wink:
Reply 8
I don't know your living situation, but maybe a kitten, complete with "I love you" bow?

I can't help on the sexual stuff much, though believe me, I really did try to think it through thoroughly :wink:

Thoroughly eh!!!

Let's go easy on the graphic details of the sexual things, ja?

Good stuff; I thought I was the only one who put 'ja' instead of yes in questions sometimes!!
erm well for the sexual bit
wanted to treat my missis
so bought her a crate of beer
covered the place in candles
and coz she has a thing for nurses dressd up as one
needless to say she was blown away
so try dressing up? handcuffs and blindfoldin?
Hmm. How about making a mixed CD of all your favourite songs?

And then you could make her, her favourite meal and play it in the background whilst you're eating. :smile:
It's not rape....It's surprise sex.
Reply 12
Make a collage of pictures of you both, or places, or things you like, or generally anything you think might be good!