The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I've decided to finally take an interest in my course and not just in the freshers week activities.
SO... is anyone else starting English Literature this September?
And anyone who's already started the course, how is it? Honestly...


If you look on ygf or Facebook there are lots of people doing English... I don't anyone studying English who uses TSR though
Haha I am Keeno...

I'm combining English with Film studies :biggrin:. It looks pretty good, what classes are you thinking of taking Kat?

For me, controversial classics is a must take! I'm not going to worry about buying texts yet though; I'll wait until I get some sort of reading list.

Are you thinking of joining the English Literature society?
Reply 3
Haha I am Keeno...

I'm combining English with Film studies :biggrin:. It looks pretty good, what classes are you thinking of taking Kat?

For me, controversial classics is a must take! I'm not going to worry about buying texts yet though; I'll wait until I get some sort of reading list.

Are you thinking of joining the English Literature society?

If I'm honest I have ABSOLUTELY no idea. I know it's compulsory to take linguistics in the first year. But I don't have any idea what classes are available to take. I think I should look into it actually, at least before my advisor meeting.
Controversial classics does sound appealing though. I know I will be avoiding Hardy at all costs! I don't know if it's how my teacher taught it last year or what but it was gruesome :p:
I've not even thought about much of my course to be honest. But I am really looking forward to it, I love English.
As for the society I'm considering it, I think I will join in order to meet more people. What about yourself?
I love English too; I feel it will be the major part of my degree! I think I should like to the join the society, to meet like-minded people as you say.

Hardy I don't mind, I'm reading Tess of d'Urbervilles just now but to be honest I want to read it now before those dark Aberdeen nights draw in and he makes me mind numbingly depressed :wink:.

I am just hoping to avoid Jane Austen at all costs! So dull :wink:. But overall I think it should be fun and just an excuse for me to read for four years living it up as a student…and as a bonus I get a degree :biggrin:.
Reply 5
I'm considering taking German alongside the degree, so it'll definitely be a 4 years of languages. Joining the society would be good so I meet some people when I'm sober and can actually discuss things.
See I'm the opposite, I ADORE Jane Austen, but Hardy is so depressing. Some of his themes ARE thought provoking but oh dear god help me he makes me want to curl up in a corner and cry.
I'm a slow reader unfortunately and as much as I adore english am hoping they assign Harry Potter as one of the texts :p:
Just kidding.
Ah yes I have just finished one of his novels and yes I am curling up as I type...

I would love to take languages too - I have yet to make my mind up over whether to continue with French or to take up German or Italian? Ach, both have good qualities, I mean I'd love to be able to read Goethe in German but then there is the prospect of living on pizza for a year in Italy! Baaah....I suppose I have a week or so to decide...

Oh I'm only joking about Jane Austen - I have barely picked up one of her books. I have a copy of Pride and Prejudice the ether that is my cupboard. You should definitely advise me on which of her novels to read and I'll give them an open minded shot, I promise :biggrin:.

I am quite slow as well, but that is because I am thinking about what I'm reading it when I'm reading it, if that makes sense? I hope it does! Yes I think I might drop film studies in favour of taking two languages! It will probably look better on the ole' CV, you know, considering we are doing arts degrees, they could do with some attention!

Are you considering part time work? Wonder if HMV will give me a job...can always try :biggrin:.

Oh and on the Harry Potter note - I really liked it, I mean I wasn't obsessed with it but I thought it was a damn good read! I think there are people out there who belittle its "literary merit" just to get noticed. lol miaow...someone pass a saucer of milk.....:rolleyes:

So apart from Jane Austen and Harry Potter, are there any other writers or novels that you particularly love?
Reply 7
Ah yes I have just finished one of his novels and yes I am curling up as I type...

I would love to take languages too - I have yet to make my mind up over whether to continue with French or to take up German or Italian? Ach, both have good qualities, I mean I'd love to be able to read Goethe in German but then there is the prospect of living on pizza for a year in Italy! Baaah....I suppose I have a week or so to decide...

Oh I'm only joking about Jane Austen - I have barely picked up one of her books. I have a copy of Pride and Prejudice the ether that is my cupboard. You should definitely advise me on which of her novels to read and I'll give them an open minded shot, I promise :biggrin:.

I am quite slow as well, but that is because I am thinking about what I'm reading it when I'm reading it, if that makes sense? I hope it does! Yes I think I might drop film studies in favour of taking two languages! It will probably look better on the ole' CV, you know, considering we are doing arts degrees, they could do with some attention!

Are you considering part time work? Wonder if HMV will give me a job...can always try :biggrin:.

Oh and on the Harry Potter note - I really liked it, I mean I wasn't obsessed with it but I thought it was a damn good read! I think there are people out there who belittle its "literary merit" just to get noticed. lol miaow...someone pass a saucer of milk.....:rolleyes:

So apart from Jane Austen and Harry Potter, are there any other writers or novels that you particularly love?

Haha, well personally I'm passionate about German, it's a harsh language but I find it really interesting. Their history is also very enlightening, of course everyone thinks they are evil because they produced Hitler and the Nazis (wasn't Hitler Austrian anyway?) but look beyond that and see them as a victim as well as an offender ad it gets really very interesting.

Well Pride and Prejudice, even though it's one of her most famous it is definitely my favourite. People forget that it's popular for a reason. I'm fond of Sense and Sensibility also, and Emma. Not my favourite books of all time but worth a read if you're feeling intellectual.

That makes sense, taking in what you're reading instead of just reading it. That's why I spend ages on books.
As for part time work I've got application forms and have agreed to do some flexi time as a waitress at the Exhibition centre which isn't better. From what I've heard you get an email of when the need you and you go in, they also pay for a taxi back to your home for you seeing as work finishes at 3am some times. I haven't started yet, I'm waiting for another induction session but it's worth a look in. if you're interested. It's not smart work but it's good money.

I must admit, I am a self proclaimed Harry Potter nut, I love them. I especially adore JK Rowlings writing style, the way she's captivated millions by such a concept is truly inspiring. That's what I intend to do, write. Everyone's assuming I'll go into teaching but the only thing I've ever wanted to be is an author. So I'll be joining that Creative Writing society.
As for other authors, I love Tennessee Williams, Alex Garland and Frank McCourts books. But honestly I'll read anything. What about yourself?
I'm doing English too (Keeno -- :p: )... with Language and Linguistics.
Haven't read all of the thread yet, but I'd love to take up another language.... don't need to learn German anymore, and I took French at school and well, I think I;m through with it :p: Italian sounds nice though! Do you know if there are any other options? other languages, I mean?
Ahh, thanks... though I don't think I'd like that. We'll see!
Gaelic? :p:
Reply 12
Do they do doric? I'm keen for learning a bit of the old doric.
Fit like iday?
Gaelic? :p:

Errrr... I'll think about it :p:
You already live here! Shouldn't you be able to speak Doric anyway? :p: