The Student Room Group

My right knee turns inwards...

So, i noticed this a few years ago.
And other than the occasional pain and weird feeling every now and then..

Its not really been more than a mild annoyance.

If i stand with both of my feet facing forward symmetrically - the knee will turn inwards.
In order for my knees to both be facing forward - my right foot will turn about 45 degrees outwards.

It's not noticable unless i point it out...

And like i said - it's not really been so bad that i need treatment.

But i was sitting in my mums car earlier, getting a feel of things.. and putting my feet on the pedals just felt so uncomfortable because of the angle of that leg. It just felt strange. I would not be able to drive with my leg the way that it is.

Im almost and i would really like to learn to drive ASAP..So i'm going to HAVE to see a doctor about it soon.

But does anyone have any idea, like... why it is, how it is?
Is there a condition?
Would i have to have an operation?
Or physio?


Oh also - i vaguely remember seeing a doctor about knee and ankle pain in that leg when i was like 12 or so...

I was told it was 'growing pains'

I'm not obese. I'm very petite.

And i don't do a lot of sport... if that could be factor...

Anyone experienced similar?
Reply 1
mine turns inwards, but I dont really get any pain. If thats the case, maybe u should go ask a doctor for advice.
you most probabl have flat feet. i do and both my knees point inwards when i stand with my feet pointing straight out. see what happens when you stand with your feet pointing outwards but lift the arches of your feet off the floor slightly more and see if that corrects the problem. go to the doctors and they may send you to a physio who will try and give you exercises to strengthen the muscles in your arches so they can hold themselves off the floor by themselves. you can also buy insoles to put in your shoes which will also hold your arches up. if the problem continues you may have to see a specialist who will custom make insoles to the shape of your feet to put in your shoes. that's what i had to do.
I have flat feet and knocked knees. I'm guessing flat feet, check with the doctors.
Reply 4
I have exactly the same problem. I'm petite, don't do a lot of sport and have had problems with my ankle or knee hurting. Also I can't run very well and I tend to trip a lot. I haven't been to the doctor yet, because I'm worried they'll just say there's nothing wrong, I'm wasting their time etc.
Reply 5
Original post by Gormy Girl
I have exactly the same problem. I'm petite, don't do a lot of sport and have had problems with my ankle or knee hurting. Also I can't run very well and I tend to trip a lot. I haven't been to the doctor yet, because I'm worried they'll just say there's nothing wrong, I'm wasting their time etc.

I'm the same and I also worry the doctors will say there's nothing wrong with me
Flat feet and/ or knock knees. Won't stop you from driving. It doesn't stop me
May cause some arthritis later on but it's fairly normal
See your gp to put your mind at rest
Reply 7
Original post by RedRain
I'm the same and I also worry the doctors will say there's nothing wrong with me

Reviving a thread from 07 & 13 really?

To anyone with such an issue visit your GP not an online forum.

Me telling you to visit a GP is not confirmation that you have an issue, it's just the fact that your GP is qualified and trained or can refer you to someone trained in such matters.
(edited 7 years ago)