So, i noticed this a few years ago.
And other than the occasional pain and weird feeling every now and then..
Its not really been more than a mild annoyance.
If i stand with both of my feet facing forward symmetrically - the knee will turn inwards.
In order for my knees to both be facing forward - my right foot will turn about 45 degrees outwards.
It's not noticable unless i point it out...
And like i said - it's not really been so bad that i need treatment.
But i was sitting in my mums car earlier, getting a feel of things.. and putting my feet on the pedals just felt so uncomfortable because of the angle of that leg. It just felt strange. I would not be able to drive with my leg the way that it is.
Im almost and i would really like to learn to drive ASAP..So i'm going to HAVE to see a doctor about it soon.
But does anyone have any idea, like... why it is, how it is?
Is there a condition?
Would i have to have an operation?
Or physio?
Oh also - i vaguely remember seeing a doctor about knee and ankle pain in that leg when i was like 12 or so...
I was told it was 'growing pains'
I'm not obese. I'm very petite.
And i don't do a lot of sport... if that could be factor...
Anyone experienced similar?