The Student Room Group

KS3 SATS results

Hello there everyone,

This is the KS3 results thread where you get to discuss your results and rant against the examiners that you thought were unfair! :p:

Here is the form you fill in:-
Level Raw Mark Percentage


What I disliked:

What It helped me with:

What I enjoyed/found easy:

Here is mine:

Level Raw Mark Percentage

Maths:7 92/150 60%
Science:6 150/180 88%
English(reading):6 ? ?
English(writing):5 16/50 30.5%
English(overall):5 About 50ish 50%

What I disliked:
I was pretty disappointed considering the amount i spent on English which was literally then destroyed by a drunken examiners giving me a L5 for writing when i put everything in the higher band criteria.

What It helped me with:
It gave me a head start to my GCSE,which some topics from KS3 are repeated in some GCSE syllabuses. Prepared me to revise for GCSEs & to have patience

What I enjoyed/found easy: I found the science paper very easy,so was the maths :smile: (which i thought i messed up big time!) I thought the reading was fine thus i expected a 7,oh well :rolleyes:

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Maths: 8 141/150
Science: 7 110/150
English: 7 96/100

Didn't really help me with anything.

Here is mine:



thats starnge that exactually what i got lol
Reply 3
I remember the days... I think I once posted this on TSR when I was really paranoid about getting my results. I got this in the end:

Maths: 8
English: 7
Science: 7

I don't remember the details, though...
Reply 4
maths - 124/150 - level 8 (disapointed with score)
english - 82% - quite good, eh? -level 7
science - 114/150 - level 7 (disappointed with score)
taught me to revise^^
Reply 5
My results from a long time ago:

Maths: 8 99/150
English: 7
Science: 7 (I was so proud of this, as I hated Science lol)
Reply 6
i got
Science 7 (134/150, top in my year :smile: )
maths 8
Enlgish U!!! (i didnt turn up for the exam!)
Oh my... I feel like total crap now. Lol.
Reply 8
Maths 5
English 5
science 6

hehe go me :redface:
Reply 9
Maths: Level 8 137/150
Science: Level 7
English(reading): Level 7
English(writing): Level 7
English(overall): Level 7

What I disliked: Nothing, really.

What It helped me with: Nothing.

What I enjoyed/found easy: Maths was pretty easy.

I don't remember the exact marks for all of them.
Reply 10
i got:
Math 7
Science 7
English 6
Don't remember scores and don't understand why i got a 6 in English. Should have been a 7!
I did mine 1.5 years ago but I'll post them anyways

English - 7 - 76/100

Maths - 8 - 119/150

Science - 7 - 119/150
I didn't do KS3 at my school - it is a total waste of time, apparently.

Results from KS2:

Maths - 5
English - 5
Science - 5

i dont remember my ins and outs but what i do know is

i got 100% in science..

having put "only smarties have the answer" for a 2 mark answer.

the examiner was so on my side!
Reply 14
maths- 7
science- 7
english- 7

We didn't get told the actual marks...
I'm still in shock from my 7 in maths...
And I disliked the fact that we'd been doing science GCSE stuff since the beginning of year 9, then had to go all the way back to year 7 stuff for the SATs, complete waste of time.
Reply 16
Did mine two years ago, but here they are:

English - 7
Maths - 8
Science - 7

We were never told our exaxt scores at our school. I'm still surprised at my maths score though; I was really struggling on the calculator paper!
Reply 17
Wahey, this certainly was back in the day...

English: 7 (remarked from 6)
Maths: 8
Science: 7

I think the examiners were not impressed with my original approach to the creative writing first time round - I wrote a newspaper article about some guy with a wooden leg wedged in his eye socket if I remember correctly - but luckily they saw sense in the end! :biggrin:
Maths - [8] 131/150 (If you want the actual scores - Calc 51/60, Non-Calc 50/60 and Arithmetic 30/30.)

Science - [7] 124/150 (I was disappointed with the score.)

English - [7] 90/100.
Reply 19
hm most of the people here seem to remember the marks they got, i have no idea

Is there any way to find out