The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Well I work at Tesco and had about 10 mins training, no lie. I just had to work it out as I go along, made alot of mistakes along the way, finally getting it though.
Reply 2
I have just got a job in Boots and am getting till trained tomorrow. :eek: Aparently it takes about two hours. X
Reply 3
Thanks everyone!
Reply 4
m&s till training is 9-5 :llll
Reply 5
sainsbury's is 16 hours!!!!
Reply 6
M&S took forever, 2 hours on a fake till and then 2 hours on a proper till.

Have Boots training soon, should take about 2 hours or something.

I think it just depends on how quick you are picking things up.
At my job I just jumped on the till, got shown the ropes and they left me to it. Sure I made a few mistakes and asked for help, but soon got the hang of it.

Don't worry about it, doubt it'll take to long and it isn't too difficult as everything gets very repetitive. You'll be fine :smile:
Reply 8
I work at primark too and I got about 10 mins.
After that I was left to it, however the tills at our branch are new (as yours will probably be) and really easy to use. You are also usually able to call over a supervisor if you encounter a problem.
Reply 9
WHSmith, literally about 1/2 hour, the rest I just had to struggle through.
Asda like half an hour ... but always ask rather than doing something wrong :smile:

btw i will be in on friday haha Primark in liverpool wooop :smile:
also you may not get trained for a while yet or never
i know some staff just pick up clothes/tidy and then replenish stock.
or work on changing rooms.
maybe cos the store is brand new they will train in groups over the next weeks.

also have you been in the store yet? how many floors is it?

Monsoon was 10 minutes!
When I did some temping at TJ Hughes they put me on a till without training me and I had to remind them that I didn't know what I was doing, then they just got one of the staff to watch me as I constantly made errors, I Practically learned it through trial and error.
Reply 14
M&S took forever, 2 hours on a fake till and then 2 hours on a proper till.

Have Boots training soon, should take about 2 hours or something.

I think it just depends on how quick you are picking things up.

Yeah that's about right, but at least your confident when you do come to serving customers.

Also your coach should be with you packing bags while you get to grips with everything on your first till day.
Reply 15
The store opened yesterday, i have never seen so many people!

The whole 5 floors were crowded all day!

Thanks everyone
It is learn as you go in most places. Not exactly rocket science though pretty infuriating when a customer asks something you have no idea, clue or ability to apply common sense to the situation.
had my 1st day yesterday at wh smiths. they trained me in a group of 4 on a practise till for about 45 mins and then chucked us right in the deep end when the queues were massive! the first few hours i was totally lost,kept making mistakes and paniking in front of customers lol very professional:wink:. one couple got pissed off and walked out the shop leaving their items coz i couldn't find where the barcode was on their newspaper for ages haha..hopefully will pick it up soon..
till training differs depending on where you work generally, and how much time they have to train people and if they have people there willing to train you properly etc..
They wil prob have someone show you the basics and then let you take over the till and they stand behind you and watch/help you if your stuck, and then they go away leaving you on your own and say ring the bell/buzzer whatever if you need assistence.

edit; didnt realise this thread was so old lol.. *hides*:bebored:
Reply 19
I got about 30 minutes till training in Sainsbury's.. but this was someone watching over 6 of us as we served customers so it was kind of on our own unless we shouted them for help.. they just showed us how to sign in, scan, do the quantity scan, what button to press to go into weigh unbarcoded items, and how to do cashback. That was about it.. they showed us that in 5 minutes and then shouted customers over. After 30 minutes the next time we were on was totally on our own for our full shift.