The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There are loads of threads about this.
Reply 2
Depends on the area, London is like 25-26.5k, other areas could range from 13-19k iirc.
Depends on region and department.

London is generally higher than the rest to account for higher living costs. But other places are still pretty good. PwC Gatwick office have a basic core salary of more than 26k for example + benefits. Ok so its still near London, but its still considered a regional office.

As for department, Ive been told its higher in tax than in audit/assurance because tax is seen as a more specialist area.
As for department, Ive been told its higher in tax than in audit/assurance because tax is seen as a more specialist area.

I can confirm this is definitely true - Corporate Finance > Tax > Audit - for starting salary at least. Beyond that, increases may be performance-related.
Reply 5
London is generally higher than the rest to account for higher living costs. But other places are still pretty good. PwC Gatwick office have a basic core salary of more than 26k for example + benefits. Ok so its still near London, but its still considered a regional office.

What, so PWC pay more for positions in London than they do in Gatwick (which, lets face it, is London)? How can they justify that? Deloitte pay London salaries for those people as far out as Reading!
I cant say with 100% certainty if thats the case with PwC but it is the impression I got from their staff and associates...that all regional offices are on a lower salary....and that includes Gatwick.
Reply 7
26k for audit sounds like the same as their London salary. Tax starts at 29.5k in central London and you get paid more in Tax(don't know how much though) so 26k for audit sounds about right.
Reply 8
At my office, ICAS students in Audit are on £26k whilst those doing ACCA are on £20k. So obviously big disparity between qualifications as well as location, business line etc.
Reply 9
Does anyone know the starting salaries in London for corporate finance and consulting?
I'd also be interested in knowing the salary for corporate finance in london and elsewhere. I heard that its around £30k for london but I dont know for sure.
Reply 11
So when qualified is there a decent jump in terms of salary?
Reply 12
~ 50%
Reply 13
I received an offer from Deloitte, Edinburgh Office-Audit Graduate Program (SEPT. 2008) and the basic salary was about £19,600.
I know that in London it's higher but I don't know by how much. However if anyone knows I'd appreciate it if s/he tells me cz I might move to London so...

Reply 14
Gatick mininmum for 2008 start is £25,750