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What form is this may I ask? Is it the one that says it needs to be taken to enrolment?
Reply 2
What form is this may I ask? Is it the one that says it needs to be taken to enrolment?

Precisely what i thought! The one with all our tution loan details
Reply 3
Did you get this after you sent back the form which you had to sign? If so then when did you get this form? I'm still waiting for mine.
Reply 4
If you're talking about the student finace support notification, i'm yet to recieve mine, despite signing the contract in july. Got an email today from Warwick reminding me to send it to them. Phoned slc, they say it comes within 2 weeks of the start of your course...not much use to me as i'm leaving for offcampus accomodation next week. I'm really worried, esp as I know people who have got theirs already...
Reply 5
Ahh I see.
Reply 6
If you're talking about the student finace support notification, i'm yet to recieve mine, despite signing the contract in july. Got an email today from Warwick reminding me to send it to them. Phoned slc, they say it comes within 2 weeks of the start of your course...not much use to me as i'm leaving for offcampus accomodation next week. I'm really worried, esp as I know people who have got theirs already...

dude man, i filled in all my student finance stuff 2 months ago and i still haven't got anything back. i called them the other day and they said that i should be receiving the contract that means when i sign it off and send it back i will take even longer than you. but im sure warwick would sympathise with you, wouldnt they? lol
It might work differently depending on whether you do your application online or do it by paper. I did the paper technique, where you sign the contract as part of the initial application, and I got my support notification in July.
Reply 8
Yellow Bentines
It might work differently depending on whether you do your application online or do it by paper. I did the paper technique, where you sign the contract as part of the initial application, and I got my support notification in July.

ahh i see, well then that could explain why mine is taking so long, i did it all online, as did my parents.
Reply 9
I did it by paper and drove up to the place and handed it in, got the thing through the post a few months ago, so I'm guessing the delay is for people who did it online, and as someone said it will probably arrive soon.
Reply 10
Yeh mine was done online, nonincome assessed...
Hmm i did mine through the post, but ive only got a notification not the one where it says the dates of all the payments. Is that the one people are talking about?
Reply 12
Yeah i'm the same i have the loan request acknowledgement letter but waiting for the payments date letter. Which one does Warwick want sent to them?
I 'think' its the payment dates one. I just logged into my student finance account and looked under correspondence and it says "payment correspondence letter" created on 5th september which implies i'll be getting it soon...hmm.
Reply 14
they want the one called "student finance support notification", dont know if thats the one from the slc or the lea...i believe its the barcoded black and white one...which i haven't got.
Well i have a barcoded one that says "financial notification 2007/08" at the top and then says the total amount of loan ill be receiving, but on the student finance direct website it says:

"Before the start of your first term, a Payment Schedule Letter will be sent to you. This outlines how much support you will be paid and on what dates. In most cases your support will be paid directly into your bank account. Keep your Payment Schedule Letter in a safe place.

You must take your payment schedule letter with you to your university or college at registration. Your university or college requires this letter to confirm your attendance at your course before you can receive payment of your loan. Only when your attendance has been confirmed, will you receive the first instalment of your loan."

so that implies they need a different one to the notification one that ive got.
Reply 16
oh right, yeh i remember handing two of which was a copy of the "payment schedule letter"
The payment schedule was on the back of the other letter
ohh dear.
I thought I was ok but now I'm confused.
Ive sent to Warwick the one where it says how much Id be getting. So, you're saying that on registration (as in 29th?) I need to take to them the one with the dates of payments?
Reply 19
The one with the barcode on must be sent to warwick.... I'm posting mine later today! Thats the only way to get your maintenance loan paid on time.

And I haven't received the schedule one yet.