The Student Room Group

Module titles?

This might sound like a dumb question, but my teachers at school were kind of unclear on this.

I've entered all my subjects in the right sections, A2 or AS depending on if I'm continuing them or dropping them. Everything is pending, as my school doesn't certify anything until the end of Sixth Form.

But my question is this: do you have to put in the specific module titles for every subject? Or can you just leave that field blank? (As stated above, all my modules and the overall grade are pending.)

I know the module codes for three out of six modules because of my AS results slip, but we've only just started A2, and I still don't know what modules we're doing this year... :confused:
Reply 1
you can leave them blank because from past memory your refree refers to any modules you scored highly on (if you want) on your reference.
Reply 2
Yeah I have the same problem, it seems a bit odd to leave them all blank and universities might be interested to know about individual modules. Does anybody else know??
Our school told us to enter them... but we only declined grades that we didn't want to show and all the others were automatically certified.

I think they ask so they can see for a breakdown of your main AS grade, as some people might have got AAA to get an A at AS, but some only BBA to get an A at AS... then they can differentiate between whether you're good at the cw modules, etc etc.

Though if you certify them I don't think it'd be so much of an issue to show them. Some people mix and match the modules (my friend did some A2 ones at AS and vice versa) so it could be handy to put them in anyway. You can find them on the exam board websites.
Reply 4
Where it says 'unit title' you must enter the individual module code.

eg for OCR Biology; Foundation, the code is 2801, so thats what you enter.

If you have declined an AS grade, or your sixth form doesn't certificate AS grades, put the overall grade as 'pending' and put the AS date as Aug 2008.
Reply 5
Where it says 'unit title' you must enter the individual module code.

eg for OCR Biology; Foundation, the code is 2801, so thats what you enter.

If you have declined an AS grade, or your sixth form doesn't certificate AS grades, put the overall grade as 'pending' and put the AS date as Aug 2008.

Thank you! But is it still necessary to put the individual module code in if your AS grades aren't certified?
Reply 6
Where it says 'unit title' you must enter the individual module code.

eg for OCR Biology; Foundation, the code is 2801, so thats what you enter.

If you have declined an AS grade, or your sixth form doesn't certificate AS grades, put the overall grade as 'pending' and put the AS date as Aug 2008.

So should I not put the actual title of the module down then? (e.g Mechanics 1)
Reply 7
Ms Kooky; yes. You do exactly the same thing as you would if the AS grade were certified, excpet you put the overall AS grade as 'pending'.

jono3: don't even try to put the module title down as sometimes they don't fit (even the abbreviated verisions). Put only the unit code eg, some of the ones I have on my UCAS form;
OCR Maths (MEI); Mechanics 1 : 4761
Introduction to Advanced Mathematics (C1) is 4751.

OCR Critical Thinking; Assessing and Developing Argument: F492
Reply 8

jono3: don't even try to put the module title down as sometimes they don't fit (even the abbreviated verisions). Put only the unit code eg, some of the ones I have on my UCAS form;
OCR Maths (MEI); Mechanics 1 : 4761
Introduction to Advanced Mathematics (C1) is 4751.

OCR Critical Thinking; Assessing and Developing Argument: F492

Mine doesn't seem to have any limit, its let me type all mine out even the really long ones. I just wanted to know which are you supposed to put down? I don't fancy having to find out all my codes, ive ony got a week until my college deadline :frown:
Reply 9
*bump* does anyone know?
Reply 10
My module titles dont fit!! :frown:
Then just input the module/course code, and leave out the name... That's what I did...
Reply 12
Alright! Thanks :o: