The Student Room Group

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they can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. I'm not paying 98 a week for student accommodation which you can't even have a fag in. Open the window! not as if it smells like pot!
Fire Alarms are not set off by cigarette smoke.
Reply 3
Don't know this for certain as I (and everyone on my corridor in Rootes last year) am a non-smoker, but we were told that the only place that we could smoke inside halls was our bedroom. Obviously this was before the ban, but the point is that presumably people DID smoke inside their rooms without setting the fire alarm off. I also believe that Boy Kill Boy were personally responsible for setting off the fire alarm in another part of Rootes when they lit up in someone's kitchen post-Freshers Ball, so be wary of that.
I'm Rootes... I put on my form I smoke and don't mind living near smokers. Hopefully despite this 'ban' they'll stick the smokers together on a few corridors and turn a blind eye.
They can't chuck everyone out for smoking. If the smokers just refuse to not smoke.. what are they gonna do? Eject 10/20 people and lose tens of thousands in the process? My friend was in halls last year in benefactors and they provided u with an ashtray in ur room. I smoked in her room and the alarm didn't go off. That smoke alarm thing and smoking is a bit of a myth. It's only in airplane toilets they have cigarette smoke detectors. My own alarms at home don't go off when I smoke.

People PAY to live in accommodation. As it's furnished and it's rented, yes - I understand that u can't smash the furniture. But I will be having a smoke, period. No-one will know (and if you're a smoker you're gonna smell of nicotine anyway!)
Reply 6
My friend was in halls last year in benefactors and they provided u with an ashtray in ur room.

Actually yes, I came back from the Easter break and there was an ashtray in my room when there hadn't been one before (presumably it was used or going to be used over the break for a conference). So there's no doubt you can physically smoke in your room without setting off the alarm. And even if it's covered by the smoking ban, what is anyone actually going to do about it? Even if the cleaners were petty enough to make a note of it (and since I know most of the cleaners smoke themselves anyway), if they don't see you doing it I fail to see how the uni can act on it.
Reply 7
I'm afraid that one problem is fire alarms can be set off by cigarette smoke.
Lusus Naturae
I'm afraid that one problem is fire alarms can be set off by cigarette smoke.

Not in bedrooms though unless there is A LOT of smoke. In corridors etc the alarms will be set off by smoke, though you would be an idiot to smoke in a corridor anyway as that would make you unpopular, but in that case shut your door if smoking in your room. They are supposedly following the ban by sticking up no smoking signs aruond the place but as long as your flatmates are ok with it you will probably get away with it.
I think the ban applies to communal areas, which was inforced before it was law anyway. A Lithuanian dude i lived with last year smoked like a chimney, could always smell it under his door. Not sure what exactly the rules are this year.
I read the accomodation guide thingymajig and it said no smoking in any building at all, which includes your room I should imagine.
Reply 11
The problem is, we had one smoker last year and even with his window open the smoke would come under his door into a corridor so the person (with Asama i'll add) next to him and opposite him could smell it, as could anyone going down the corridor. So, even thought it's in your room, it goes into the corridor which is smoking in a public place (in some sense of the interpretation).

Eitherway, it's a rule. I think some accommodation was fully none smoking anyway last year. From what I gathered from the cleaners last year, the people in that accommodation who ignored the rule got fined for it.

And fines at warwick work rather simply. It gets added to your student account, you get a letter and I think 4-5 weeks to pay it, by which point a charge will be added if you don't pay it. If you don't pay at all, they don't let you graduate!

It's simple. Want to smoke? Walk outside. Most accomm have some sort of mini sheltered bit by the door way. Better still, and I'm sure you've heard it all before, quit and reduce your student debt!

The guy who was the smoker quit after 2 terms, but the uni had to bill him to replace the nets which had gone yellow and the curtains which stunk. They also couldn't re-rent the room for a long time afterwards, due to the room smelling of smoke and no one wanting to go there (I had a half-size room and wanted a bigger one, but not one smelling of smoke).

BUT, it may not apply to your room, but it may do.
Reply 12
I'm sure they'll give a warning beforehand... I'll just do it out me window
Reply 13
I smoked in my room last year, as did EVERYONE in my corridor... Just put a condom and sock over the fire alarm in case... but honestly there were times I didn't have it covered and it didn't go off, nor in the kitchen which we all smoked in too. Shisha and pot in the rooms too (not mine but yeh) annnnd erm I mean we never had any problems.

I like to think I was very considerate despite the fact that most people smoked anyway- always put a down by the door. But of course it does escape when opening and shutting the door but hopefully the people you live with won't be the type that complain.

Normally as long as you put 'i smoke' or 'love being around smokers' it should be ok.

The windows are huge too, although mine still always smelt of smoke because mine was the main smokey room- just where no one minded making a mess or anything.

Hope that helps
Reply 14
in the kitchen which we all smoked in too

That would sooo get on my nerves / make me scream lots.
Reply 15
Well yes you need to ask people, but since nobody minded, there was no screaming.
Reply 16
That would sooo get on my nerves / make me scream lots.

They shouldn't do it, and it's probably against the 'rules'. So if its complained about, they'll be asked to stop and fined if they dont.
That would sooo get on my nerves / make me scream lots.

Mine too but my corridor was 100% non smoking. Awesome! Putting I do not want to live with smokers on my form was a clever idea.

I know people who didn't shut thier door properly on other corridors when smoking which was annoying.
Reply 18
The guardian did a nice poster about smoking, with all the darkened lungs etc... we stuck it at the end of the corridor next to the smokers room :p:
they can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. I'm not paying 98 a week for student accommodation which you can't even have a fag in. Open the window! not as if it smells like pot!

You may or may not be popular with your future corridor :rolleyes: