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Get a few beers down me and i dont know whats real or not :smile:
Reply 2
normally the day after a mega lash sesh. along with a lot of cant-be-arsed-itis. the more water i drink the sooner it goes.
Oh if i havent slept at all.........Then everything around me doesnt seem quite real/seems different.
Reply 4
Oh if i havent slept at all.........Then everything around me doesnt seem quite real/seems different.

Sometimes I get these moments where I space out and look at objects and wonder if they actually exist. :smile: Even the people around me.
Reply 6
Oh if i havent slept at all.........Then everything around me doesnt seem quite real/seems different.

Yeah, that's what usually happens to me too. Everything seems to move.
Reply 7
Its like where things around you seem unreal but you know where you are yet its hard to believe that you are really there:confused: Has anyone had it/not had it?

I have had similar experience.
When I haven't slept or eaten for a while, I feel like I've landed in some sort of dreamworld or alternate universe where nothing seems quite right.
Having a nap, a glass of water, or something to eat get things back to normal quite rapidly, though :smile:
Reply 9
My ex girlfriend developed depersonalisation and derealisation after consuming cannabis a year and a half ago. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, she still has it, though not to the extent she used to (probably due to learning to deal with it). Chat with her on here (her username's Cthulhufiend); I'm sure she wouldn't mind. Plus I'm sure she'd have tips/better advice than me, as she's experienced it fully, and I've witnessed this first hand (not nice knowing that the person you love thinks she is going insane, and especially not nice knowing that the person you love doesn't even think you exist :\).

Good luck...
Reply 10
I get this when I do something a bit out of the ordinary - like when I split up with my ex, or started going out with my current boyfriend, or when I go for walks at night or go somewhere new. It's very odd indeed..
Reply 11
oh, i've had a few times - not drink related though - didn't know that there was a name for it. I suppose one learns something new everyday!
Lol yea, like Rainygal says I didn't know there was a name for it! Is it something that worries you OP?
Reply 13
The only time I've come remotely close to that was when I couldn't believe my first choice uni took me even though I'd missed my grades :redface: I had to ask the guy on UCAS to repeat, and even then I couldn't believe it. I knew it was real and true and I hadn't misheard, but I was at the same time convinced that there must've been a mistake :redface: I burst into years after I hung up cus I was so scared (reeeeally didn't wanna go to my insurance) - I was just amazed that I'd kept the promise to myself half a year before results day that I wouldn't cry until AFTER I'd rung if I missed my grade lol :redface:
my working life for the past 4 months. The job is rather easy, simplistic and monotonous in nature, and i don't feel as though i'm existing at all, or doing anything, not really feeling 'alive and kicking' as such. There's no adrenaline kick, nothing really - a very surreal feeling - an effortless existance, a 'derealization' perhaps?
my working life for the past 4 months. The job is rather easy, simplistic and monotonous in nature, and i don't feel as though i'm existing at all, or doing anything, not really feeling 'alive and kicking' as such. There's no adrenaline kick, nothing really - a very surreal feeling - an effortless existance, a 'derealization' perhaps?

I so had that feeling at work! I can only describe it as being grounded but feeling like I was in a floatation tank. I'd just space out and not think of anything for i dunno say 2 mins... Proper wierd.
I so had that feeling at work! I can only describe it as being grounded but feeling like I was in a floatation tank. I'd just space out and not think of anything for i dunno say 2 mins... Proper wierd.

i think i may even deliberately 'derealize' myself - just to block out just how crap my temporary job is, and more to the point, how god damn irritating one of my colleagues is. I've been coasting for the past 4 months in my job - so incredibly surreal, hard to explain really. I have worked hard at times, i have interacted with people, but the nature of the job is rather superficial, particularly the interactions with members of the public, that it's lacking that necessary depthness for it to have any kind of significance or significance of reality to me :confused:
i think i may even deliberately 'derealize' myself - just to block out just how crap my temporary job is, and more to the point, how god damn irritating one of my colleagues is. I've been coasting for the past 4 months in my job - so incredibly surreal, hard to explain really. I have worked hard at times, i have interacted with people, but the nature of the job is rather superficial, particularly the interactions with members of the public, that it's lacking that necessary depthness for it to have any kind of significance or significance of reality to me :confused:

What is it you do?
I get the feeling of having a headrush even though I've not moved. I feel really spaced out and dizzy. I think that might be something else to be fair. Also when I'm really ill (everytime I throw up this happens) I have really strangely real dreams and wake up and feel really spaced out and then have flashbacks of what I did earlier in the day but sort of like from a 3rd person perspective
What is it you do?

i'm a bank cashier.