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Reply 1
How about some plain coloured flat shoes (preferably black), but fashionable, so ballet pumps? Then some black trousers, but in a good fit. And then a nice blouse, but something fashionable. If you dont have black shoes, then wear the same colour top as the shoes you choose to wear.....? Maybe. I'm not sure, because it doesn't feel like you should need to go all smart suit-ish, but it is an interview. I have bad judgement when it comes to interview clothing!
Reply 2
I would dress very 'New Look/Topshop' styleeee :p: If you look at sales assistants in New Look they seem to dress very high street - so I wouldn't wear anything tooo classy/suitish (compared to say sales assistants in Next, for example).

I'd say skinny jeans in black (yes, I know I always rant against these, but you will need to look hip - if you've got thighs bootcut are better), gold ballet pumps and a top like this:
Reply 3
Yeah, I was going to say, try and imitate what the sales assistants wear, but because it's an interview, just go up a notch on the smartness.
Reply 4
I'd also wear some nice jewellry; but not too much - a bracelet or a necklace, perhaps one of those long ones that are in fashion. Good luck :biggrin:
Reply 5
Yeah good luck! Let us know how it goes!
Reply 6
thank everyone- im thinking about wear my dark denim jeans tucked into black slouch boots with a smart but plain black top, and i think the nice jewellry is a good idea to :smile:
Reply 7
Sounds great :biggrin: Good luck!
Reply 8
*is scared* eeek

just went around town and applied to a few more jobs as this new look one is only 8 hours
Reply 9
What else did you apply for?
Reply 10
I'd still say go for smart trousers, not jeans... Remember you haven't got the job, so you still want to seem impressive and smart; regardless of the shop. I had an interview at Zara last week and didn't go 'Zara-esque' or dress in their style clothes. I wore grey smart trousers, camel coloured flat shoes, camel colour belt, white vest top and a brown wrap-around... And I got the job! :smile:
i use to work at new look, never had an assessment day though.... had a 1 2 1 interview... and to that i dressed smartish... not like really smart but not jeans and whatever either. and for the induction day, that was just casual things. and obviously i did get the job.... always think its better to go a little smart.

oh and just to let you know... in ur interview youll get asked some normal questions and then the second part you have to put together an outfit for someone they descibe and the explain your choice of colour and styles. its pretty easy, as long as you have some fashion sense. lol. GOOD LUCKKK!
let me know if you want to know anything else bout the interview of the job itself just p.m me :biggrin:. btw as for it only being 8 hours they WILL give u more hours... mine was 8 hours buti was doin like 30 hours a week sometimes.
Everyone in my New Look looks exactly the same. Exactly.
Reply 13
Everyone in my New Look looks exactly the same. Exactly.

same and quite rubbish IMO.
i work at newlook, i never dressed up, all i wore was my sassy sexy red suede coat, i think that got me the job:biggrin:

It was a 121 interview, friendly informal, i never fixed any clothes together,

just be bubbly and act as if you adore newlook:biggrin:

PS, the staff wear crappy clothes, they odn tbother dressing, they look cheap, IMO

only manager dresses up,

dont worry you'll be fine!
yeh thats about the same as what i did... just act like u love the place.
all the staff at the 1 i worked at reallyyyyy made an effort about what they wore. not as in the dress smart or anything, they just didnt wear crappy clothes... some of them went over the top... looked like they were about 2 go out.
Reply 16
well i had a new look interview, i wore bootcut 'dirty denim' jeans, black ankleboots and a pale blue stretchy 3/4 sleeve top with silver jewellery...

....can you tell my interview was about 6 years ago?! lol. And yes, i got the job :biggrin: haha
Reply 17
oh thanks to the last few posters that info has been really helpful :smile:

i will let you know how it goes- its at 3pm tomorrow

ps. other jobs applied to were, shoes in dorothy perkins, claire's, d2, george, pier , bear factory lol - yes i am that desperate, thorntons and i cant remember the other 3 lol
Reply 18
I wouldnt wear jeans at all for an interview ever
yeh it may be for new look but i still wouldnt wear jeans... ur chances will be alot better for getting the job if u the way ur dressed shows that ur serious about getting the job. and to tell u the truth what u wear doesnt really matter, if they think ur up for the job they wont care what u wear.... i no the supervisors that did interviews for the store i worked at and she use 2 say to me that she was never botherd what people wore, as long as it wasnt to much that is. good luckkk! hope u get the job.... discounts great!!! lol. jobs not bad either hahaha