The Student Room Group

IB Free/study period question...

Hi, since most if not all of you are doing IB in this forum, you will probably have study periods. IB students at my school are in a little argument with the admin (i.e. our IBC) cuz they're not allowing us to go home early if we have no class in the last period.

I'm just wondering how it is at any of your schools. Can you guys go home as long as you don't miss any class? Or are you forced to stay in school until the end of school bell rings?

The student welfare group are presenting this information to the teachers and any information on how other schools deal with this can really help.

Please write your school name or atleast in what country, thx.

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Reply 1
Our school allows us to leave campus in our free lessons, and if it's the last lesson then we can go home. Unfortunately I don't have the privilege of going home as I don't have frees last, but if it's after lunch then I go home for lunch.

My school is Chatsworth International school in Singapore
Reply 2
Well... My school doesn't allow us to leave school during our free periods. We've got to hang around school. However, we can leave if the free period is at the end of the day. Leaving early has got to be approved by the teacher though, to ensure that we really do have free periods. And thus everytime we leave school early, we've got to go through the security guards at the guard house by my school gate first.

My school is in Singapore too.
Reply 3
Okay good, the whole point is we should be able to go home early....anyone else??
Bangkok Patana School

Our school doesn't let us leave early. Apparently we're the responsibility of the school until the end of the school day. But then again our school is really, really strict. For example:

1) If we're not wearing our ID card, detention.
2) We're not allowed to go to 7/11 or lemon green even though they are next door to school
3) We're not allowed to stay back and support sports teams when games are played at home unless we have permission.

It's such bull****. If we have no more lessons, why do we have to stay in school? One of my friends has lessons only till around 9:10am on Fridays, but he has to stay till 2:30pm. DoubleYou Tee Eff?
At my school we can go home when ever we want to as long as we don't miss a lesson, if we do miss a lesson we might get our student "pay" revoked.

My school is St: Eskil in Sweden
Reply 6

It's such bull****. If we have no more lessons, why do we have to stay in school? One of my friends has lessons only till around 9:10am on Fridays, but he has to stay till 2:30pm. DoubleYou Tee Eff?

WTF? that's totally shiit.
Reply 7
Bangkok Patana School

Our school doesn't let us leave early. Apparently we're the responsibility of the school until the end of the school day. But then again our school is really, really strict. For example:

1) If we're not wearing our ID card, detention.
2) We're not allowed to go to 7/11 or lemon green even though they are next door to school
3) We're not allowed to stay back and support sports teams when games are played at home unless we have permission.

It's such bull****. If we have no more lessons, why do we have to stay in school? One of my friends has lessons only till around 9:10am on Fridays, but he has to stay till 2:30pm. DoubleYou Tee Eff?

Wow...I've never realized BPS was that strict...the sport team thing even...
Wow...I've never realized BPS was that strict...the sport team thing even...

Basically my school argues that free periods are not actually free periods, but are actually 'study periods', during which you have time to do your homework, etc. They renamed the free periods to 'non-contacts' and basically you're supposed to study. No one studies, we waste time instead.

BTW nice predicted grades there talespirit.
Reply 9
IB students in my school dont have many free periods, 3 per week is max. And no we're not allowed to leave school in our free periods, it's even worse that we have to be in certain rooms with supervisors during our frees cuz the school doesnt want us to wander around while everyone else is having classes and they expect us to have some good self study time in our frees. Lol, no one in my year followed that anyway, most of us went to the library and chat, lol.
My school: International school HCMC , Vietnam.

Each school has its own rule regarding free periods I guess.
IB students in my school dont have many free periods, 3 per week is max.

I have 1 a week.

Most kids have 2 a week, but SL Economics people have only 1 a week because we have to attend all the HL classes. It's insane.
In our school, students in IB2 can leave school in the free periods, but not those in IB1. I'm in the International School of Tanganyika, in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania.
Reply 12
I used to skip far too many classes, that I got in serious trouble with the faculty :smile:
(Classes were a waste of time btw)
Reply 13
We have this thing called senior privileges. Provided you have 9/15 CAS points, and that your parents are willing to sign a form, you receive a yellow card that allows you to freely go off campus during your free periods, or, go home early / come to school later.

International School of Brussels
Reply 14
We can walk in and out of school whever we want... And that applies for all sixth formers (we have three different qualifications in sixth). They trust us to turn up to our lessons and use our free periods wisely, which, tbh, is the only thing you can do with 16-18 year olds. Is it not a little degrading being told that you cannot leave the site at 16?

I have 8 free periods a week (which is basically a day and 1/3) btw, how come you guys only have one or two? How does that work? We are all doing the same qualification...
Reply 15
In my school I have about 10 free periods (50 mins a period). The only downside are the period 0's before school and 7's after school which are a pain.

The reason for this is because my school's sixth form mainly does A-levels with the IB being a new thing. We are also free to do whatever we want in this time, we can go home, go to the shop etc. It's not as strict as some of schools in the posts above.

Btw I go to the Ridings High School in Winterbourne (North Bristol, England)
In my school I have about 10 free periods (50 mins a period). The only downside are the period 0's before school and 7's after school which are a pain.

The reason for this is because my school's sixth form mainly does A-levels with the IB being a new thing. We are also free to do whatever we want in this time, we can go home, go to the shop etc. It's not as strict as some of schools in the posts above.

Btw I go to the Ridings High School in Winterbourne (North Bristol, England)

hi :smile:

10 frees a week? oh you lucky person...I have two. i'll get another one when I drop english though :wink:
Reply 17
UWCSEA: you can leave campus only if you're free at the end of the day, or you can come in late if you're free first thing. Also, the school can take away these priveliges if your effort grades aren't good enough.
Reply 18
I get about six frees per week. Sometimes having too many sucks though, cause it's not like you're in the working mood everytime you have a free :p:.
Reply 19
Bangkok Patana School

Our school doesn't let us leave early. Apparently we're the responsibility of the school until the end of the school day. But then again our school is really, really strict. For example:

1) If we're not wearing our ID card, detention.
2) We're not allowed to go to 7/11 or lemon green even though they are next door to school
3) We're not allowed to stay back and support sports teams when games are played at home unless we have permission.

It's such bull****. If we have no more lessons, why do we have to stay in school? One of my friends has lessons only till around 9:10am on Fridays, but he has to stay till 2:30pm. DoubleYou Tee Eff?

You should rebel against your dumb school administration. I did that, and well, it paid off during exams. My school was forcing us to come, but I didn't as we just wasted loads of time :rolleyes: . I learned more away from school on my own.