The Student Room Group
Ah dear, I'm sorry to hear about that :frown: But congratulations on going to university considering, that's an amazing achievement!!
Reply 2
hi, ive just joined this site hence me not seeing ur post before, i have turners and am starting uni in september
Is this somehow related to intersexuality or whatever its called?
Reply 4
hi, ive just joined this site hence me not seeing ur post before, i have turners and am starting uni in september

wow! amazing. where are you going to uni?
Reply 5
i am a duck
Is this somehow related to intersexuality or whatever its called?

really really no. wiki it, and that will explain all :biggrin:
Reply 6
For those who have turners syndrome what age do your periods start? I wondered if I have it as im really petite, 4ft 11, people say I look 11 years old buy my periods started when i was 13, Im 22 now and still look really young.
Reply 7
birmigham hopefully provided all goes to plan with the final A level exams
really really no. wiki it, and that will explain all :biggrin:

Yeah just looked it up now! :wink: Its just cause I remember someone on another forum having some sort of syndrome with similar symptoms and involving chromosomes and inbetween genetalia :confused:
Reply 9
For those who have turners syndrome what age do your periods start? I wondered if I have it as im really petite, people say I look 11 years old buy my periods started when i was 13, Im 22 now and still look really young.

if you have periods its 99% likely that you won't be turners. most girls need to be on the pill to get periods
birmigham hopefully provided all goes to plan with the final A level exams

aww great. i'm at leicester but i live in birmingham. good luck to you :biggrin:
Reply 11
For those who have turners syndrome what age do your periods start? I wondered if I have it as im really petite, 4ft 11, people say I look 11 years old buy my periods started when i was 13, Im 22 now and still look really young.

dont worry u dont have it because the quick answer to ur questions is they dont
Reply 12
lol mass answering the same question. thanks im really looking foreward to it
bump just in case anyone new sees it
Only just noticed this thread, but...yeah. I have Turners. Well, the "mosaic" form. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 13 as the only symptom then was that I was really short...there's nothing abnormal about a 13 yr old who hasn't started her periods, is there! I'm academic (at one of the top schools in the country), planning to go to Durham in October, and apart from my height there are no other visible symptoms. But they suspected it, and...I was diagnosed after a blood test.

Anyway, yeah, I was then put on growth hormone for a few years until it stopped working, and I'm now basically on the pill, which is what made my periods start almost exactly a year ago. I've basically been told I'm infertile, which wasn't nice to hear, though I know of the other options so it's not as bad as it sounds.

I should have been diagnosed earlier, so I could've started treatment earlier, even reaching a taller height. I'm considering myself lucky that I don't have it badly and that I can lead a normal life.
cool. nice to see more people. You can send me a PM if you like, i'd like to know who you are
Reply 16
my daughter has Turner's Syndrome. She is a 3rd year student nurse at Uni. (she will be 26 in Sept) Good luck with your studies...I know that the studying can be difficult, but everyone is an individual with their own specific needs.......I would recommend that you make sure you get the support you need. My lassie didn't......she was determined to do it 'herself'........but there are certain aspects where she needs more time and direction.....and now is having to 'fight the system'........although she told them about her condition at the start........through out her education we have always told her teachers about the condition.....but sometimes you have to tell them again and again....... She also drives, travels the world, had her own flat (but had to give it up due to going to uni!)......the world really is your 'oyster'......Best of luck with your studies and future success ( from Scotland)