The Student Room Group

Results Day 2004: Results [Post them here]

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Reply 20
OH MY GOD!!!!!! i got a A in photography!!!!! whats wrong with me!!!!???!!!!
Reply 21
i got a B in photography, what happened to me, im an E girl!!!
What were your results?

A - Art [A Level]
A - Chemistry [A Level]
A - Physics [A Level]

What grades were you expecting? AAB(in chem)

What were your grades last year for AS?
A - Art
B - Chemistry
A - Physics
A - Maths

What were your predicted grades by your school or college? AAA

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?

Firm: Architecture - CAmbridge Univerisity ? AAB (B could only be in Art). :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Insurance: Architecture - Bath AAB

I'm going to Cambridge!
What were your results?
A Levels
Chemistry B
Maths A
F Maths A
Physics A
Critical Thinking AS c
General St b


What grades were you expecting?

What were your grades last year for AS?

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?
emma college cambridge AAA 12
then, bristol ABB (both for maths)
What were your results?
For Example:
B - Geography [A Level]
B - Spanish [A Level]
B - Sociology [A Level]
C - General Studies [A Level]

What grades were you expecting?
C - Geography
D - Spanish
B - Sociology
U - General Studies

What were your grades last year for AS?
B - Geography
C - Spanish
A - Sociology
D - General Studies

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?
C - Geography
D - Spanish
B - Sociology
D - General Studies

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?
Firm accepted (BBC): European Studies and Spanish at Manchester University
Insuarance (BBC): Hispanic Studies at Nottingham University

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: i got a B in spanish!!
Reply 25
What were your results?
A - Mathematics
A - Further Mathematics
A - Economics
A - Physics

What grades were you expecting?
2 a's and 2 b's

What were your grades last year for AS?
4 a's

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?
4 a's

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?

Firm: Maths + Computing - Imperial College AAA.
Insurance: Electronic engineering - UCL AAA

What were your results?
A - Maths - A2
A - Physics - A2
A - Politics - A2
A - Economics - AS

What grades were you expecting?

What were your grades last year for AS?

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?
For Example:
Firm: BSc Government - LSE ABB.
Reply 27
What were your results?

A - English [A-level ]
A - Religious Studies [A-level]
A - History [A-level]
A - Government and Politics [A-level]

What grades were you expecting?

What were your grades last year for AS?

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?
Firm: St. Peters, Oxford, PPE (AAA)

Despite not reaching your offer, will your firm/insurance choice still take you or are you going through clearing?
Reply 28


What were your results?
B= photography
E= drama :frown:

What grades were you expecting?all E's

What were your grades last year for AS?

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?

A (textiles) D (photography) D (drama)

What were your results?
A - Physics - A2
A - Geography - A2
A - Economics - A2
B - Maths A2 (missed A by 4 ums :frown: )

What grades were you expecting?

What were your grades last year for AS?

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?
Firm: Economics & Geograhy @ UCL
i love the whole world. I LOVE YOU ALL
chemistry a
physics b
computing b

chemistry i scraped ( OMG HOW GOOD AM I )
physics i was 3 points off an A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my firm is making a decision on me and trying to get thru to the scousers

Reply 31
What were your results?

A - Pure maths AS
A - Statistics AS
A - Economics AS
A - Music AS
B - General Studies (without a single lesson due to clashes!!! :biggrin::biggrin:)

What grades were you expecting?

A - Pure maths AS
A - Statistics AS
B - Economics AS
A - Music AS
Anything - General Studies

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?

Didnt get predictions, dont know why
Reply 32
What were your results?
A - Chemistry [A level]
A - Film Studies [A level]
A - Maths [A level]
A - Physics [A level]

Plus a Merit in Physics AEA.

What grades were you expecting?
A in Maths and Film Studies, not sure about Chemistry and Physics, but I needed A in those two.

What were your grades last year for AS?
4 As.

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?
4 As.

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?
Firm: LLB Law - London School of Economics - AAA excluding Film Studies
Insurance: LLB Law - University of Manchester - AAB excluding Film Studies
Reply 33
What were your results?

A - English Language - A2
A - History - A2
B - Psychology - A2
C - Drama and Theatre Studies - AS

What grades were you expecting?

BDD at worst, I was expecting ABB or ABC...very surprised I got an A in English :smile:

What were your grades last year for AS?

A - English Language
A - Psychology
A - History
C - Drama and Theatre Studies

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?


Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?

Firm: BA Anthropology - Durham, AAB
Insurance: BSc Anthropology - Kent, BBC
Reply 34
What were your results?
Biology-B (missed an A by 4 marks!! :mad: )
What grades were you expecting?
A,A,A,B respectively. I would have hoped for an A in chemistry but things actually exploded in the practical!

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?
N/A, but I'll have to get my ass in gear if i'm applying to Cam next year!
Reply 35
What were your results?
A - Mathematics A-Level
A - Economics A-Level
B - Accounting A-Level
a - Further Mathematics AS-Level
b - Government + Politics AS-Level

What grades were you expecting?
Anything from AAB to ACD, I got the best I could have hoped for, dead pleased.

What were your grades last year for AS?
A in Mathematics and Accounting, B in Economics and Government + Politics

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?
Straight As. Oh well.

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?
Firm: BSc Mathematics, Manchester, AA
Insurance: BSc Mahematics, King's College London, ABC

Still, I'll turn down Manchester and stay in London. Dead chuffed with results, good luck the rest of you!
What were your results?

A - math [A Level]
B - f. Maths [A Level]
A - physics [A Level]
A - ICT [AVC thing]

What grades were you expecting?
not sure

What were your predicted grades by your school or college?

AAA and c/d in f. math :P

Your course and university of your firm/insurance offer as well as requirements of this offer?

Imperial offerd AAB for the m.phys course :smile: so thats where im off to in oct.. see some of you there??

back up was bath with abb :smile:

well done to all hehe :smile:
Reply 37
A level
Further Maths-A

last yr did AEA and got a merit

off to Imperial to do Mathematics. :smile:
Reply 38
AVCE ICT 18 units: AB
Reply 39
What were your results?

A - Economics [AS Level]
A - Maths [AS Level]
A - Geography [AS Level]
A - German [AS Level]
A - Computing [1/2 AS Level]

What grades were you expecting?


What were your predicted grades by your school or college?

