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Say 'Thank you' to those who deserve thanks
Raise your fingers off the wheel when not steering while keeping your palm on the wheel
Emote thanks in another way such as nodding, or smiling, or both, if your hands are busy.
Take hands completely off the wheel to say thanks
Use any hand gesture while steering, indicating, operating ancillary controls or changing gear
Lose control of the car while trying to be over-polite
Flash your headlights to say thanks; it's against the Highway Code and VERY annoying at night. It will also be marked as a fault.
Last reply 1 week ago
My driving instructor is making me nervous but it’s only 5 weeks until my testLast reply 4 months ago
Husband keeps saying that I wouldn't pass my practical driving test.Last reply 4 months ago
Failed driving theory test twice now.. am I a f** idiot?/!