The Student Room Group
Everyone knows the MOBO's are an awards ceremony to congratulate piss poor hip hop acts.
Reply 2
I think the MOBOs are a farce. How can we expect people of black origin to be seemlessly integrated into society when there is a constant distinction being made between them and white people? If we had a MOWO awards there would be a scandal and the whole event would be racist.
Reply 3
I think the MOBOs are a farce. How can we expect people of black origin to be seemlessly integrated into society when there is a constant distinction being made between them and white people?

White people have won MOBO awards many times before. Its MUSIC of black origin not ARTISTS of black origin, you are confusing the two.
White people have won MOBO awards many times before. Its MUSIC of black origin not ARTISTS of black origin, you are confusing the two.

That's Music of African Origin, then.
Reply 5
MOBOs are for black people only, with the exceptions of eminem and justin timberlake.
Reply 6
White people have won MOBO awards many times before. Its MUSIC of black origin not ARTISTS of black origin, you are confusing the two.

dajo is right, but it's true that it doens't help integration completely
I am white, if I create some music it originates from me - it is of white origin regardless of genre. MOBO's are a joke - they try and lay a single ethnic claim over music which often has multi-ethnic inputs.
Reply 8
Dr. Blazed
That's Music of African Origin, then.

MOAO isn't as catchy as MOBO though!! I think that's why there isn't a MOWO. Oh no, it's because if it was specifically music of white origin that would be racist! :rolleyes: