The Student Room Group

something fell out my ear :/

ok so about 6months ago i had really bad wax build up so i used those ear drop things and after a few weeks it went away.
today after coming out of my bath i could feel loads of water in my ear so while doing my hair i tiped my head to the side and a huge drop of water fell out and then 3 seconds later something else fell out my ear!!!!!!!
Im really freaked out cos it looks like a raison/small rock looking at it closely its coverd in like small fibers and its really hard, it doesnt look like wax :/ really really freaked out:frown:
Is your hearing impaired now?

I think it might just be nasty collection of dirt and wax...shouldn't be something serious. Sounds a bit weird though. :s-smilie:
Reply 2
what colour is it. it could still be wax, just thats been there ages and gone solid.
can you still hear?
Reply 3
yeah i can hear fine actully, feels alot better cos when i was cleaning my ears i could feel something there that wouldnt come out....annoyed me a bit
Reply 4
wouldnt worry about it then :smile: most likely just a build up of wax
Reply 5
It's wax, had that happen when I was younger after having my ears syringed. Got a little freaked out myself but it's definitely wax.
I won't make an "it was your brain" joke, because it sounds like wax! It can be pretty hard, thats why you often need to soften it with ear drops :biggrin:

EDIT: Also, I'm sure you have a normal sized brain, no offense intended
Even before I opened this thread, I knew it was wax - same thing happened to me once. I was startled but definitely amused.