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Reply 1
can u post EEE timetable?
Reply 2
Awesome, cheers. Now I've got to decrypt it... :p:
Reply 3
Here is the EEE one I think, got it from the internal part of EE dept. website so should be right.
Reply 4
Here is the EEE one I think, got it from the internal part of EE dept. website so should be right.


man looks confusin!
Reply 5
shall i post the bioeng one? im sure SOMEONEBODY would like to bother reading it... :s-smilie:

seriously are there any 1st year bioengineers apart from me on TSR?
Reply 6
Wow, I don't understand these timetables at all. I'm doing aero, how much free time do you get each day on average or is it 9-5 straight with only a lunch break?
hmm, probably a bad idea. For first years, you don't know what lab groups you are in so you can't edit it to a final version.

Please dont think you are in labs 12 hours a week.
Reply 8
For Aero guys have a look at . Login is xxx107 and password is to match.
Reply 9
For Aero guys have a look at . Login is xxx107 and password is to match.

didn't work for me...
Reply 10
Ahh, I presumed that as second year timetables were up then the first year's would be too. My mistake.
Reply 11
As tupp said, you'll either do the first 2 labs of the week, or the last 2, depending which group you get put in, so only 6 hours of lab a week (only :rolleyes:). That's Physics only by the way, Chem people for example have labs like every day :wink:
Reply 12
Well, may someone post the typical first year timetable for civil engineering? Thx~
Could someone please post a first year Biology timetable? :smile:
Could someone please post a first year Biology timetable? :smile:

Haha feck off =P
Bah its your second choice, if you firm it I will provide you with a timetable - I am just THAT good.
I've already been rejected from two of my medical choices...Imperial will probably be my firm, the way things are going anyway
Reply 18
I've already been rejected from two of my medical choices...Imperial will probably be my firm, the way things are going anyway

Apply for medicine at Imp?
Apply for medicine at Imp?

Can't, they want AAA, I'm predicted AAB :p: