The Student Room Group

Pushing lads away?

Ok i really didnt know who to ask or talk to so any advice would be nice thankyou :smile:

Everytime I get close to a lad and I realise they like me (in a fancy way) i suddenly don't want to be near them or have anything to do with them. It happened twice this week and I really do not know what to do as I am losing my friends.

The second lad is always asking for hugs, being everywhere and sitting too close. It was ok at first but now its like all the time...anyone got any ideas what I could say to him to make him stop please?

So after the bit of a ramble...what can I do to ask him to stop hugging me and been around me all the time, and second...what can I do to help me stop getting too close that im at a point I have to puch them away.

Thankyou for anyones time giving me some suggestions

what's your age?
When you say "get close to", do you mean that you also fall for them (until they show interest at least)? Or do you simply mean that guy friends mistake your friendliness for attraction?
Reply 3
I used to do this as well. You grow out of it, I reckon. And you tend to stop leading people on as you get older. Or that may just me be, of course. Not wanting to generalise and all.
Reply 4
Could also be thrill of the soon as you know you've hooked the guy, you get bored and move on to your next prey :p:
Reply 5
i do it out of fear i think!

just tell him you're not a huggy person and find it a bit strange/ people will get the wrong idea?
Reply 6
Thankyou for all the advise so far erm
1) im 16 :smile:
2) I told him in not a huggy person...thankyou for that
3) I think i do like them, untill they like me...then its out of fear :s-smilie:

Thankyou for everyones posts, you have helped me see my mind-set and what I was doing
Reply 7
Thankyou for all the advise so far erm
1) im 16 :smile:
2) I told him in not a huggy person...thankyou for that
3) I think i do like them, untill they like me...then its out of fear :s-smilie:

Thankyou for everyones posts, you have helped me see my mind-set and what I was doing

16? it's not that big a deal. chill
Attraction at it's very simplest level is all about push-pull. We want what we can't have. If something is on a plate for us to have when and where we want it, there's no value to it.

If we have to work for something, or something is a limited resource, then we start to value it. This guy is basically giving you affection on a tap, and it's boring.