The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Smile, you could have been hit by a train today, at least that didn't happen.
Reply 2
That is true :smile:
I have been trying to smile and have fun with my friends but it's one of those days when nothing works, not even chocolate!
Reply 3
Ah one of them days. Well the solution is to get in front of TV/xbox/computer, with your duvet and a cup of tea/hot chocolate and do sweet sweet **** all.
Reply 4
Wish I could, Tv and pc is on, coffee is here but I have to write an essay... not fun lol. Thank you though
Reply 5
Could you listen to some music that makes you feel happy, a favourite group or something? The louder the better, always cheers me up. Also, maybe you could go for a short walk/jog or something - I think exercise releases endorphins which naturally make you feel happier. Hope you feel happier soon.
Reply 6
If theres one thing Ive learned over time is if someone is feeling down and says they need cheering up, its almost damned near impossible to do so directly because theyll "resist" every attempt....I do that too...just to be akward most of the time ^_^....its fun to watch people Im not that twisted :P

Also, Id be down if i had to write an essay :P well not really, although I'd procrastination to no ends, winding up so bored Id be forced to write it. Btw I know this has nothing to do with you're just rambling XD. I dont know but it just seems the whole concept of writing an essay comes with a hefty dose of lethargy
Reply 7
I ramble too
I am lethargic because of the essay, and lack of sleep
I like you sig, I have that problem too lol
Reply 8
ice cream? Do the essay really quickly, you'll probably be happier when it's done, then you can veg out infront of the tele or see some friends at the pub or something.
Reply 9
I am going to Alton Towers tomorrow
That will be fun :smile:
Unfortunately this essay can't be rushed as it is the one I'm sending off with my Cambridge application. Stress!
Reply 10
well you have 2 weeks before you have to send it off, whats the rush?
Reply 11
My teacher wants it off a week Monday :s-smilie:
And my first draft needs to be in this Monday, with me going away. Oh dear lol
Reply 12
your teacher can wait. have fun! :biggrin:
Reply 13
I always found the best way to write an essay was to split it up over the days I had to do it so if say you need to do it for monday, do 1/3 of it now, 1/3 tmoro and 1/3 on sunday. BUT! if you get into the writing groove dont stop because its hard to recover the next day

*envies alton towers* how can you be down with such prospects! =P
Reply 14
I know I should be happier, I need rollercoasters, guaranteed to blow the tears away :smile:
Reply 15
seriously your teacher can wait. things are always late, (not so much at school I suppose) it's just life, she'll get over it.

do it on monday night or something!
and it obviously doesn't have to be perfect if it's only a draft!
Reply 16
Perhaps the problem is that I'm a perfectionist... hmmm lol
Emotionally I'm in an impossible situation so that is what's mainly getting me down, stress just isn't helping things
Reply 17
Impossible situation that true or merely how it feels? Cause I swear the amount of situations Ive strived through to look back only to see all the paths throught, could kick yourself.....bah but this is life.....hindesight is a gloating lil imp saying "i told you so ¬_¬"

Im not going to lie, this thread has the "elephant in the room" thing going on, obvious problem but dont wanna reallllly bring it up, though talking bout things and getting them off your chest is always a start.

Until then lets keep rambling cause its practically the most fun thing in the world when you talk about things that dont matter for no reason. being carefree :biggrin: it loosens the mental contricts of your lil mind! especially when you are tired....tiredness makes all seem worse, i snapped at a friend today cause i got 2 hours of real sleep :P but sleepiness also is the best time for imagination, just put it to good use
Reply 18
I hate that imp
Well imagination is partly what is troubling me, I am worried mine is being overactive in certain aspects.
"elephant in the room"? :s-smilie:
Reply 19
the elephant in the room, its like when theres a big situation sitting square in the middle of the room but everyone avoids talking about it afraid of making things akward. Maybe i worded it wrong :P but its something along those lines

which aspects, if i may be so curious to ask ?