The Student Room Group

Does it really annoy you when people say this?

Basically it was my uncles 50th and we had like a family gathering lol and everyone was talking then the topic changed to me and my other male cousin. We are both quite similar in the fact that we can never hold jobs down and are childish and immature even at the age of 20 and 21 (so our parent say). Anyway the only difference is he left school at 15 with nothing and I did GCSE's and A levels. My mum and aunt were joking about how intelligence doesn't run in our family as they themselves messed around at school and failed, they still ended up at university somehow. Anyway I admitted that I should have worked harder and then my mum said to me 'still at least you tried', then said to my cousin 'but you your a really intelligent lad you could probably get A's if you pulled yourself together'.

How come he's always been known as the intelligent one though? Its true he has when we were little it was always 'he had the brains and I had the bronze'.

It must be so good not having to do anything to do anything to prove yourself and still people think your intelligent.
I know im annoyed over nothing
I highly doubt your mom meant to put you down. I ask one question: Were they drunk? :p:

Honestly, no one likes to be told that their stupid or less smarter than someone else. Competition runs high in my family, so I can totally relate. At the end of the day no matter how annoying it is, you shouldn't let it affect you.
parents are arseholes hun.
Try not to listen to them :hugs:
Reply 3
That was the one part that didn't annoy me, because at least she was trying to encourage him at that point. They were being critical of both of you and i don't see how that helps you get anywhere.

What is it that bothered you about it? Is it that you want to be seen as intelligent? I think you should just figure out what you would like to do with your life and go for it and not let it matter what they say.
Basically it was my uncles 50th and we had like a family gathering lol and everyone was talking then the topic changed to me and my other male cousin. We are both quite similar in the fact that we can never hold jobs down and are childish and immature even at the age of 20 and 21 (so our parent say). Anyway the only difference is he left school at 15 with nothing and I did GCSE's and A levels. My mum and aunt were joking about how intelligence doesn't run in our family as they themselves messed around at school and failed, they still ended up at university somehow. Anyway I admitted that I should have worked harder and then my mum said to me 'still at least you tried', then said to my cousin 'but you your a really intelligent lad you could probably get A's if you pulled yourself together'.

How come he's always been known as the intelligent one though? Its true he has when we were little it was always 'he had the brains and I had the bronze'.

It must be so good not having to do anything to do anything to prove yourself and still people think your intelligent.
I know im annoyed over nothing

Hehe, sorry, the terms is brain vs brawn, not brain vs bronze :biggrin: Sorry, but in the context it's priceless!

But don't worry yourself, seriously. My cousin got straight As for his Highers, whereas I got ABBCC. The trick is not to let it get to you. Furthermore, what matters is that you have those A-levels and he/she doesnt, so in terms of academic prowess, who looks more intelligent on paper? :smile:
Reply 5
parents are arseholes hun.
Try not to listen to them :hugs:

:ditto: My parents are always going on about how much better than me my brother is, I'm at uni and he works in a supermarket.
:ditto: My parents are always going on about how much better than me my brother is, I'm at uni and he works in a supermarket.

Yep, I think the bottom line is that people have favourites...
Reply 7
My parents did the same thing with me and my brother, I went to uni, he finished his GCSEs and worked, he was told he could get better grades than me if he tried, while I was there, yet he never bothered. Its an attempt to encourage the other party, but its at your expense, and its not fair IMO. Although my brother earns great money now, and I'm temping at the moment, so what does that say about uni education!!
Reply 8
Yep, I think the bottom line is that people have favourites...

Of course they do, I mean even kids have favourite parents don't they. I know when I was younger I'd really mouth off to my mum but be really good for my Dad.
Reply 9
I can completely understand! I have a cousin who is a year younger than me and she's always been the pretty one! Even when I get A's at a-level and off to uni all my family can say is 'aww our jane (shall we say) is doing that subject aswell' they just seem to take it for granted a-levels were easy! I want some recognition at least once in my life lol