I don't actually, and my subject (Law) wouldn't be remotely comparible as the St Andrews Law School was handed over to Dundee. I was unfortunately rejected by Edinburgh (bastards... well, realistically, I should maybe have done some work at school). I was tempted by my St Andrews offer however - I do like the place. It's a far more pleasant setting than Edinburgh which, outside of the Old College, looks rather akin to a 1960s housing block. Plus, as I've discussed with you before (if memory serves) I rather enjoy tradition. If I can find the time (and money for a post-grad degree), I'd very much like to study at St A's one day.
Realistically though, Edinburgh is inevitably going to be enormously better equipped and is far more research based, attracting the finest academics. St Andrews is closer to the American conception of a liberal arts college. It's very good at what it does - and with a student community second to none north of the border - but it is a quite different variety of institution.