The Student Room Group

UCL,Barts or St George's

hello everyone.i'm finding it extremely difficult to make my mind up about where to apply. statistically out of the three, UCL is the least competetive while St George's is the most. but from what you guys here have said previously that UCL is the most competetive. i like all the courses so that is not a way to distinguish. i can also get a lower offer from St George's as my school average is below 245. i dont want you to choose for me i just want some info to help:

1) Are the statistics correct or what has been said correct?

2) is there a UKCAT score threshold for St George's and Barts? (my average:597.5/total: 2390)

3)how is the accommodation like?

im definitly applying to Oxford and Cardiff so gotta think of another 2.

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1) firstly where did you get the stats from? I'd be warry of using them and with your grades apply to the uni you really want to get into, rather than the least competitive uni. UCL may be 'least' competitive, but that may be because they use the BMAT exam as a influence on whether they interview you or not...and the BMAT is a pretty hard exam and may put-off...this does not mean its least competitive though.

2) Barts has 'apparently' has a cut of of 2400-you just missed it unfortunetly...not sure on the others but your UKCAT should be fine

3) Accomadation can be found on each uni website..bear in mind st georges isnt in 'central''ll still have a smashing time regardless of which uni you get into
Reply 2
Barts does take the UKCAT into serious consideration and a score below 2200 probably won't get you an interview, but they can exercise judgment in the 2200-2400 range based on your personal statement.

As far as your options go, its all about the fact that they're three quite radically different schools. UCL is all but completely merged now, so you'll spend a lot of time (At least preclin) with people from other courses and generally have the Goodge Street student area life. Barts is semi-autonomous, mainly charactised by an extremely active student body with a talent for punching about its weight (Know another college where students regularly raise £3,500 each in a week for charity?). St.Georges is similar to Barts, but separated from central London (Both good and bad) and acts more as a college of healthcare with nursing and associated professional courses as well as medicine.

Personally I'd say Barts because I have little griffin and shields about half of my clothing. But then I would say that. I don't know who you are or what you would prefer, so just apply where you think you'll have the best time.
Reply 3
firstly where did you get the stats from?

from "MPW getting into medicine 2008" book.

and the BMAT is a pretty hard exam and may put-off...this does not mean its least competitive though.

i thought so. tbh thats what is putting me off too.

Barts has 'apparently' has a cut of of 2400

i rang them. the lady said that they compare all applicants and come up with a cut-off score. last year it was 2350. so im scared of applyin as i'm only slightly above that.

Barts has 'apparently' has a cut of of 2400

i know :smile: i lived in hounslow for a while so i sort of know the area. didnt like the planes goin back and for though! :s-smilie:

Thanks for advice. anymore opinions welcome!
Reply 4
Barts, Barts...don't play the stats game.
Reply 5
for George's there is no cut-off score. provided you have sat the ukcat then they will consider your application. also George's has a new halls of residence opened December 2006 so they are really nice and new. HTH.
Reply 6
QMUL (obligatory shudder :wink:) has a brand new student VILLAGE - lots of new accomm, not just one new hall :wink:*

*I love BL, I do :biggrin:
Reply 7
i know :smile: i lived in hounslow for a while so i sort of know the area. didnt like the planes goin back and for though! :s-smilie:

What's Hounslow got to do with anything? Hounslow is nowhere near and nothing like any of the areas in London that have med schools. :s-smilie:
Reply 8
thanks for all the replies which were not at all biased towards Queen!:biggrin:

What's Hounslow got to do with anything? Hounslow is nowhere near and nothing like any of the areas in London that have med schools. :s-smilie:

i thought hounslow was near to where St George's but obviously that's not the case. and just for ur info, my geography is worse than rubbish, have i told u how many times i got lost?!

i made my mind-ish because the deadline is approaching and i was thinking i was gonna get this over and done with by last week.

so currently:
St George's
Queen Mary (do u think it matters if my UKCAT is only 40 points above last year's average as it might go up this year?)
Reply 9
More than likely won't go up this year, they seemed very happy with it when I last spoke to admissions. Also, less of this Queen Mary nonsense, its St Barts and The Royal London Hospitals Medical School. Queen Mary may be our parent college but we have next to nothing to do with them.
I went down to Mile End today and felt completely out of place!
if you think ucl isn't competitive you're quite frankly crazy :wink:
Reply 12
If you think ANY med school is without competition, then you're quite frankly certifiable! :wink:
Reply 13
malaz: by the way st georges is in tooting, not hounslow lol :smile:

and im not trying to dissuade u or anything but i personally wouldn't apply to barts (unless u really want to go there) as they're the only uni (along with southampton) with a cut-off score. and if ur just dying to get in anywhere (like me) then i'd give myself the best chance possible.

i'd assume that people would perform the same if not better in the ukcat this year compared to last year, so maybe ur score may fall short of the cut-off. and if they list people in order of ukcat (which another uni definitely does - sorry cant remember which one) then u'd really want to be up there. however AEH may know better as he's actually spoken to admssions people himself - so the choice is urs!
Reply 14
i KNOW that St George is in Tooting but i thought that is close to Hounslow (google maps,grrr).

I have already sent my application in for the choices above. well i have prayed and asked for guideness and in the morning i spoke to sheffield (i had totally gone off UCL) and the admissions were quite mean and my heart felt like Barts. so i applied there and sent my UCAS. if i dont get in i know who to blame, myself and i'd rather that than thinking its the stats or my parents, etc.
Reply 15
well good luck with the application - and don't fret - the right choice is whereever ur heart lies (gosh thats so cheesy - but true) so in that sense u've made the right decision!
[QUOTE=malaz_197]i KNOW that St George is in Tooting but i thought that is close to Hounslow (google maps,grrr).

LOL god your geography is appaling!
my heart felt like Barts.

Amazing choice :smile: Best of luck
i wish i was at barts sometimes..... i grew up in london and didn't want to study there, but i really miss it now!!!
Reply 19
Twas early one morning, that I received a warning, that I was to take up my studies at Barts. Because they say the Royal Free is not the place to be and Tommies is the place for high born ladies.