The Student Room Group

Why rude people should all be fed to Hannibal Lecter...

This is more a general annoyed rant than anything practical; just warning you now.

My boyfriend has a friend he's been to gigs with and who we both met in halls last year. The friend is being a total arse to me (pretends I don't exist) despite having at least had casual conversations with me while I was in halls. Today, for example, I was hanging around talking with my boyfriend and his friend came up, tapped my boyfriend on the shoulder and started talking to him, completely ignoring me, and when my boyfriend tried to bring my name into the conversation the friend ignored the attempt completely. The guy refused to even look at me. This has been going on for ages and there is absolutely no way I can have pissed him off.

Now, to be honest, I don't care much for people who act like this for no reason at all. I also don't care for guys who suddenly demand someone's attention after ignoring them all summer because they didn't happen to need someone to go to a gig with. I'm ranting because I absolutely loathe rude people. I mean, like everyone, I have people I don't really get on with, but at least I'm civil to them. What a hole. :mad:

Anyway, rant over. Anyone who wants to complain about similar problems is welcome (and suggestions for the best place to punch someone in order to cause maximum pain and no bruising are very welcome).

Reply 1
Totally agree with you.

Now I dont tend to bother with people that have treated me this way in the past, as I really cant be arsed with the hassle they bring. Its their problem at the end of the day. :smile:

What annoys me even more is when people treat me like that and then come crawling back when they want/need something. Thats the most annoying, two faced thing ever :rolleyes: Ive made a point of distancing myself from the people who used to do that to me
Reply 2
One of my boyfriends friends is like that. He's not a very nice person in general though, so it doesn't bother me too much :smile:
Reply 3
Do you really WANT someone who behaves this way to talk to you?

To be honest, if I were in your situation, I couldn't care less. It's not harming anyone unless you let it annoy you, which apparently is all he wants.
Reply 4
I reckon he likes you, but too shy or too much of a coward to show it so hides behind not talking to you.

Reply 5
I reckon he likes you, but too shy or too much of a coward to show it so hides behind not talking to you.


Ditto, i totally agree, I reckon he fancies you but doesnt want to ruin his friendship with his friend, so therefore tries not to get too involved with you with conversations and stuff.

That may be completely wrong but we dont know the whole story so thats the best i can come up with
lol. I reckon he's an idiot.

People like that suck. But at least you're on the receiving end of their rudeness. If they were being nice to you then you would tricked into being friends with someone who is horrible. :eek:
It sounds like the vast majority of my ex's friends, too, but in their case it was a matter of possessiveness and arrogance, not shyness. Still, if it's just one guy, he might very well fancy you. Or he might just be an unpleasant character. It's hard to tell.
If he's the latter, I don't think Hannibal Lecter would care to waste a perfectly good bottle of chianti on him. He's a gourmet, after all. :p:
Reply 8
Why is it only blokes that do this?

P.s. I'm on my feminist high horse :smile: