The Student Room Group

Age Gaps in Relationships

What do you think an acceptable age gap is in a relationship?
Can girls be older than boys?
How much does this change with different ages?
Whats the maximum sensible age gap?
Disadvantages/advantages of age gaps?
How bigger gap does it have to be to be sick?

I've always had boyfriends either the same age as me and no more than 4 years older than me...

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Reply 1
Well I'm 21 and my partner is 27, which isnt that big an age gap really.

My best friend is just 21 and her partner is 36. Our friends werent that convinced it would last but they've completely proved us wrong - they've lived together for a while, they're getting married in 2 weeks and they're expecting a baby next may. So it can work i guess!

Personally I wouldnt judge a relationship soley on an age gap, unless one partner is under like 18 and the other is more than about 26/27.

It depends on the people and what kind of relationship it is though i suppose
Reply 2
Well, I'm male.

I'm 18, and I went out with a 32 year old. I thought she was 22, cause she was so HOT. And now, my current girl friend is 22.
Im really fussy about age gaps, Its one thing I have a hangup with. I could never be with someone alot older or younger than myself. I think 2 years older and about a year younger absolutle max. My boyfriend is a month younger than me :p:
An acceptable gap I think depends on the age of both people.
For example, I dont personally think 15 and 20 is an acceptable age gap, but say 37 & 42 is.
Reply 4
20 year gap between my parents, theyve been going strong for over 28 years
Reply 5
1. What do you think an acceptable age gap is in a relationship?

I personally would not date someone over 5 years older than me and 2 years younger than me.

2. Can girls be older than boys?

Yes!!! I am older than my bf.

3. How much does this change with different ages?

An 18 year old male dating a 13 year old female sounds strange, whereas a 28year old male dating a 23 year old female sounds normal!

4. Whats the maximum sensible age gap?

There is no limit!

5. Disadvantages/advantages of age gaps?

As an immature person, dating someone younger than me means we have more in common.
This thread yet again :p:
But since I'm here...

1. What do you think an acceptable age gap is in a relationship?

Anything at all, as long as the both people are mature enough to be responsible for their own actions.
Having said that, I'd probably not want to date anyone older than early thirties, and that is the extreme limit. And not much younger than myself. Preferably about 5 years older, I think. (I'm 19, dating a chap who's 24, and my ex is also 24.)

2. Can girls be older than boys?

Of course.

3. How much does this change with different ages?

Bigger gaps get less significant as you get older. Up until the age of 18 or so, usually people won't have much in common if the gap is bigger than a couple of years. But once you're living in the 'adult world' (or the odd half-way state of university) and meeting people of all ages all the time, you realise that really age doesn't make that much difference to what people are like.

4. Whats the maximum sensible age gap?

Anything, really.

5. Disadvantages/advantages of age gaps?

Finding someone of similar mental maturity is good. People looking at you funny and assuming you're being taken advantage of is bad. People actually being taken advantage of is bad.
Reply 7
Half your age plus 7, of course!
some people i know believe age gaps does not really matter as you get older

I am 18 and i perfer being with a guy the same age as me :smile: because of similar experiences and same stage in life and more things in common.
Reply 9
What do you think an acceptable age gap is in a relationship?
Depends on the age

Can girls be older than boys?
Yup, my ex was 9 days older than me. Not much, but still older :tongue:

How much does this change with different ages?
If a 5 year old is dating a 20 year old.

Whats the maximum sensible age gap?
5 years imo

Disadvantages/advantages of age gaps?
You don't really go through as much at the same time

How bigger gap does it have to be to be sick?
10 years... :tongue: Depends on age actually
What do you think an acceptable age gap is in a relationship?

in under twenties probz about 2/3 years as after that you more than likely have nothing in common

Can girls be older than boys?
yes tho lads are normaly the imature ones

How much does this change with different ages?

alot a 25 and 30 year old know is bother
a 15 and 20 year old however is completely different

Whats the maximum sensible age gap?
depends on the people involved and their ages

Disadvantages/advantages of age gaps?

advantages in teens a lad that older will probabily be as mature as a the year or so younger girls

in older people it doesnt matter or affect the relationship realy

How bigger gap does it have to be to be sick?

erm 5 or so years if the people involved are only young
Reply 11
My gf is 18 and I'm 23. I would say the hardest thing about it is that she's just at the stage where she's choosing unis and will be going next year, whereas I'm ready to "settle down" so to say, get a proper job and keep it. She will finish uni in 3 years and then what, I may have a stable job and have to move if she can't find anything in the area.

It's not a big problem and we've easily found a way around it but it's the only one I can think of that is caused by age.
the same age gap that makes a relationship impossible , is the same as one that makes another work.

it al come down to personal lifestyles really.
Reply 13
ooooh i have a question. i am 16 and have previously always liked older guys, but now i like this guy who is 15, and i think another is quite nice who is 14.
is that ok??
Reply 14
What do you think an acceptable age gap is in a relationship?
As long as both parties are over 18, anything is 'acceptable'. If one of the parties is under 18 and one is over, it starts to get a bit tricky.
I personally cannot see myself dating anyone younger than myself. I even thought one guy I went out with who was two years older than me was too immature for me, so I think the age gap of my current relationship is pretty good (5 years).

Can girls be older than boys?
Sure, why not?

How much does this change with different ages?
As others have pointed out, by the time you get into your twenties it seems to right itself a bit if you're in an age-gap relationship.

Whats the maximum sensible age gap?
I wouldn't like to say. Emotionally speaking I would say none, but practically speaking, 25 years+ is probably too much.

Disadvantages/advantages of age gaps?
Disadvantages - if the age gap is very big you might be at too different a life stage to your partner for things to work out; practically you might face becoming a widow very young when your partner dies; emotionally you may upset your families who may not be able to accept the enormity of the age gap.
Advantages - you stand more of a chance of finding someone who is in line with you emotionally and in terms of maturity.

How bigger gap does it have to be to be sick?
While age gaps of 25 years+ seem odd to us, I don't think we have the right to judge as we don't know the people or their emotions (unless you do know them and it is blatantly abuse of some kind).
Reply 15
What do you think an acceptable age gap is in a relationship?

That completely depends on the individuals involved. The younger you are the smaller the acceptable age gap is.

Can girls be older than boys?

Yes i see no reason why not

How much does this change with different ages?

The younger you are the smaller the acceptable age gap is. at 16 i wouldn't have really considered dating someone who was 20 but now at 21 i am seeing someone who is 25 and that isn't such a big deal.

Whats the maximum sensible age gap?

It really does depend on the age. At 21 i could probably go up for 40 at a stretch and down to 19.

Disadvantages/advantages of age gaps?

Well i suppose the main disadvantage would be a lack of common interests shared life experience e.g. similar bands/tv shows that you liked when you were younger. This doesn't have to be an issue though.

How bigger gap does it have to be to be sick?

There isn't deffinate number really. I think it is something that you just know
ooooh i have a question. i am 16 and have previously always liked older guys, but now i like this guy who is 15, and i think another is quite nice who is 14.
is that ok??

I think that's ok, but don't go telling any policemen if you start sleeping with either of them. It is also more... traditional... to stick with one guy at a time. But we're all different. :p:
How does a 19 year old and a 29 year old sound??
LOL.. im 20 and my partner is 32
Reply 19
Im 17 and my boyfriend is 23 but he's a bit immature for his age so it works out just okay. :wink: