The Student Room Group

Do I have Diabetes?

Hi, I know this might have been asked a few too many times, but I guess I'm worried. Please don't de-anon this, it's quite embarrassing! I don't quite know what the symptoms of diabetes are, but I do know that a couple are going to the loo lots and being really thirsty, both of which I have problems with - especially the loo thing, I get scared that I'll need it desperately at a time when it's not really possible, and then when I do go, sometimes hardly anything comes out (sorry for the crudeness) and I still feel like I need to pee.
I get tired quite a lot, but I don't know if that's linked to anything? :s-smilie:
I'm too scared to go to the doctor and ask, in case he wants to take a blood sample, which I am petrified of, but if there's definite cause for concern, I'll of course go!

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I would say what most people are going to say is "go to the doctors." It sounds like something that they would probably take a urine sample for, but I cant guarantee that they wont take a blood sample - is it the needles that you dont like or something? I'm sure the doctor would do his/her best to reassure you about?

I can't be of any more help, but I do think you should check it out anyway?
Reply 2
I would definitely go to the Doctor. Diagnosis of diabetes is usually dependant upon finding glucose in the urine, so it's more likely to be a urine sample than a blood sample.
I think they generally do a urine test first to check your blood sugar levels, and if they're higher/lower/whatever than they should be then they take blood samples.. better to get it checked out instead of something bad possibly happening
Reply 4
I think I will go to the doctor, but I don't want to worry my mum just before I go to uni :s-smilie:
So can someone tell me what the typical symptoms for diabetes are?
Reply 5
* increased thirst
* passing water frequently, especially at night
* tiredness and fatigue
* loss of weight
* genital itching or recurrent thrush
Reply 6
PM me a fasting blood sample and some urine, and I'll get back to you
Reply 7
My diab test was blood.
I do know that a couple are going to the loo lots and being really thirsty, both of which I have problems with - especially the loo thing, I get scared that I'll need it desperately at a time when it's not really possible, and then when I do go, sometimes hardly anything comes out (sorry for the crudeness) and I still feel like I need to pee.
I get tired quite a lot, but I don't know if that's linked to anything? :s-smilie:
I'm too scared to go to the doctor and ask, in case he wants to take a blood sample, which I am petrified of, but if there's definite cause for concern, I'll of course go!

You sound like me. The tiredness thing turned out to be anaemia in me, and the needing the loo is psychosomatic, most likely. If you were diabetic, you'd need the loo a lot more, and you'd actually be going. It sounds like you've given yourself some sort of complex about going to the toilet, and panicking you wont be able to go in time. The fact you don't actually go when you go to the toilet means it most likely isn't diabetes.
Hi, I know this might have been asked a few too many times, but I guess I'm worried. Please don't de-anon this, it's quite embarrassing! I don't quite know what the symptoms of diabetes are, but I do know that a couple are going to the loo lots and being really thirsty, both of which I have problems with - especially the loo thing, I get scared that I'll need it desperately at a time when it's not really possible, and then when I do go, sometimes hardly anything comes out (sorry for the crudeness) and I still feel like I need to pee.
I get tired quite a lot, but I don't know if that's linked to anything? :s-smilie:
I'm too scared to go to the doctor and ask, in case he wants to take a blood sample, which I am petrified of, but if there's definite cause for concern, I'll of course go!

By the sounds of it I don't think you do. However get down to your doctor with a unrine sample asap. As I was having the same symptoms as you. I had delayed urination, turned out I had an infection. Doctor gave me antibiotics and it was fine within a week. - My doctor said it's common for men. My doctor figured out my problem by just a simple description I gave him on the phone.

I'm also always getting thirsty and going to the loo often. But that makes sense. You get thirsty so you drink alot, obviously that has to come out.

All I can say is I had exactly the same symptoms (I still am always thirsty and going to the loo) and it turned out to be a simple infection, not diabeties. The longer you wait the worse it'll get so don't be lazy.

For more information google 'delayed urination'
Sounds possibly like a mild case of cystitis.
Reply 11
How long has it been going on for? Cystitis is short term IIRC (correct me if I'm wrong)
Reply 12
dont forget though not all diabetics will demonstrate all of the symptoms. if you have cause for concern get checked by a doctor. its nothing to be embarrassed about in comparison to some things they see :smile:
I think I will go to the doctor, but I don't want to worry my mum just before I go to uni :s-smilie:
So can someone tell me what the typical symptoms for diabetes are?

In all fairness, you don't have to tell your mum if you're just going to get it checked out. You could wait and see, and then only tell her if you test positive.
Reply 14
Hi, I know this might have been asked a few too many times, but I guess I'm worried. Please don't de-anon this, it's quite embarrassing! I don't quite know what the symptoms of diabetes are, but I do know that a couple are going to the loo lots and being really thirsty, both of which I have problems with - especially the loo thing, I get scared that I'll need it desperately at a time when it's not really possible, and then when I do go, sometimes hardly anything comes out (sorry for the crudeness) and I still feel like I need to pee.
I get tired quite a lot, but I don't know if that's linked to anything? :s-smilie:
I'm too scared to go to the doctor and ask, in case he wants to take a blood sample, which I am petrified of, but if there's definite cause for concern, I'll of course go!

Basically, it could very easily be anxiety. Diabetes (so I've been led to believe) is generally only common in very overweight people and people whose parents/close relatives have had it/eat incredibly unhealthily (I eat absolute **** and I've tested negative for it, so you'd struggle to get it through this I'd imagine)
In all likelihood, I think the doctor wouldn't suspect diabetes as the first possible diagnosis, and would probably look for urinary tract problems first, which would probably require a urine sample. Go see a doctor.
Basically, it could very easily be anxiety. Diabetes (so I've been led to believe) is generally only common in very overweight people and people whose parents/close relatives have had it/eat incredibly unhealthily (I eat absolute **** and I've tested negative for it, so you'd struggle to get it through this I'd imagine)

Actually that is not quite true. My cousin's cousin (!), was diagnosed with Diabetes when he was seven. There is no family history of the disease at all, and he isn't overweight. There are diferent types of diabetes and they don't all have the same symptoms or the same causes.

The OP sounds as though he has an infection, but he should go to the doctor rather than prat about on the forum.
Punktopia, you're talking about Type 2 diabetes. The OP, if their just about to go off to uni, is young enough to be diagnosed with Type 1. But it really needs checking out by a doctor.
Reply 18
Actually that is not quite true. My cousin's cousin (!), was diagnosed with Diabetes when he was seven. There is no family history of the disease at all, and he isn't overweight. There are diferent types of diabetes and they don't all have the same symptoms or the same causes.

The OP sounds as though he has an infection, but he should go to the doctor rather than prat about on the forum.

Well there's always exceptions, you're just more likely to get it through being overweight/genetics than anything else.
Reply 19
Well there's always exceptions, you're just more likely to get it through being overweight/genetics than anything else.

Type 2, yes. Type 1 (which usually appears much earlier in life) is not related to weight or diet at all.

To the OP, I think it's unlikely you have diabetes - as has already been said, the fact you need to go but then nothing comes out makes me think it's more of a bladder problem than anything else, but if you are worried, just ask your GP. A simple urine dipstick and maybe a fingerprick test should be able to confirm it.