The Student Room Group
Reply 1
what are you asking them to do?
Reply 2
I'd fire him. Explain to him that even though he's been doing alright, you've realized that you "can't have a friend working for you." It's "unprofessional", "distracting", and you feel like "neither of you are doing all that needs to get done while he is around".

Apologize lots. Maybe offer to help him look for another job if you feel guilty. Otherwise, simply assure him that he'll get one and you'll give a good recommendation.
Reply 3
I'd fire him. Explain to him that even though he's been doing alright, you've realized that you "can't have a friend working for you." It's "unprofessional", "distracting", and you feel like "neither of you are doing all that needs to get done while he is around".

Apologize lots. Maybe offer to help him look for another job if you feel guilty. Otherwise, simply assure him that he'll get one and you'll give a good recommendation.
Good idea, one problem, my VERY best friend also does some shifts for me, and that works brill, coz its always a pleasure to see her, and i know she cares and is reliable so i dont play 'boss' at all with her, i just treat it as a chance to catch up and help each other out. But this employee could say 'if you employ her and shes your mate, why not me?'

Oh, i should say, i'm a disabled student, and these are domestic assistants.
Reply 4
well what aspects of the job is he not doing properly?
Reply 5
well what aspects of the job is he not doing properly?
unreliable and struggles to do the simplest things like boil pasta! He's a bit ill today, but he said he'd be around soon ages ago, he should have been here at 5.30, im hungry and need some stuff done.... ok, he is a bit ill today, but if he said an outright 'no' it would be acceptable
Reply 6
What you pay your friends to cook your meals and do other things for you? Or am i completely wrong. That's what this is reading like.
Reply 7
What you pay your friends to cook your meals and do other things for you? Or am i completely wrong. That's what this is reading like.
well....... yes, kinda... I pay people to cook meals, shop, take me to the gym and do my landry... And this year the 3 of my workers a friends, ranging from my v best friend to a casual friend... Its the governments money not mine tho.
Wouldn't it be easier to have a helper(s) who works for your uni? I've been offered a helper as I'm disabled too, but if I choose my own, I'm responsible for their tax/insurance as I'd be their employer (As I'm sure you are for yours too). I've chosen not to go down that route as I don't want nor need the responsibility, so will happily have the uni's recommended helpers.

If you aren't happy with his 'services' then you should definitely tell him.
Reply 9
Well in that case, as much as this guy looks up to you and you don't want to hurt him...this is about your health and well-being. Leaving you alone and hungry for hours when you are relying on him is unacceptable. If he cannot perform the basic tasks that you are paying him for, you need to let him know.

You can either tell him about what he's done wrong and offer to give him another chance or tell him that your wellbeing is too important to leave up to chance, whim, and how someone is feeling that day. You are going to have to let him go.

It's hard to do, but if he is a real friend, he won't hold it against you. I mean, he has to know that he's not doing a good job if he's not showing up and can't cook pasta....
Reply 10
Thats pretty poor to be honest, what sort of person leaves their mate to starve!
Reply 11
Thats pretty poor to be honest, what sort of person leaves their mate to starve!
he still ain't bloody here, ive now wasted my whole evening! This def aint working:mad::mad::mad::mad:
he still ain't bloody here, ive now wasted my whole evening! This def aint working:mad::mad::mad::mad:

then ditch him - if your doing it like a buisness then hes not doign the job hes paid for ergo he should be fired.

If he pulls the "shes your mate as well why dont you fire her" then simply tell him shes does her job you dont
Just tell him outright that you need somebody reliable because you can't be doing with waiting the whole evening for him to show up and make your food. It really isn't on. I suppose he feels that because you are friends that he can just show up whenever he feels like it and that you aren't going to mind....well just tell him that you value him as a friend, but as an employee he sucks basically.

(okay maybe don't tell him he sucks, but definitely tell him that he's just not reliable enough if he can't even come at the right time and is incapable of boiling pasta.)

It's harsh, but you gotta do it.