The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Does it get better or worse with alcohol?
Isnt it called "stutter"?
I do (recently ie. last couple a years) with some ppl in some situations. No to the point where it is a seriou problem..just cant find the words sometimes..

How long have you had it for? are you shy? introverted?
Stammering has to do with being shy or introverted.

I've had stammered since child-hood (admittedly a mild one) but I've since attended Speech Therapy which helped so much. I know have almost complete control of my speech and, whenever I do stammer, I know exactly what to do to handle the situation.

People aren't afrad of stammering, they are afraid of the feelings associated with it i.e. embarrasment, frustration etc.. During speech therapy I'd learnt how to combat the negative emotions associated with stammering and am now able to live life, stammer and still feel positive about myself.

I've since done public speaking, given presentations in front 'top-dogs' in corporate business and have won prizes for my performances. :smile:

Stammering is so much more than just speech, it has pretty much to do with your whole life (feelings, approval-seeking, perception of yourself etc) and the problem lies when you focus on your speech alone as this will only serve to exasberate the stammer.

There are many books and good speech therapists out there but I would strongly recommend you grab your hands on this book. It will change your views in not your speech but life itself. All the best.
Reply 4
Isnt it called "stutter"?
I do (recently ie. last couple a years) with some ppl in some situations. No to the point where it is a seriou problem..just cant find the words sometimes..

How long have you had it for? are you shy? introverted?

I'm not shy at all! I'm a very outspoken person who can voice their opinion! :frown:

And stammer is accepted too :p:

It's not serious, just kind of embarrasing. :frown: