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Am I reading too much into this?

Ok theres a lil bit of backstory here so just hang with me. So I knew this girl in college, met her in the first year and by the end of AS we were really good mates, but then she dropped out of college, got herself a job and a boyfriend. Now I havnt spoken two sentences to her for a whole year, and not seen her at all.
A couple of weeks back, just before I left for uni she phoned me up. She was telling me how she split up with her boyfriend and if I'd come see her. So I went to see her and we've been talking pretty much daily either by phone, text or online and on sunday we're meeting up again.
I just thought it was a bit weird that she'd phone me up, after she aint spoke to me in so long. As you can probably guess I really quite like her, but I seeing as she just split up with her boyfriend I'm not quite sure how to handle it. So what do you guys think?

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i think you are being used

she knew that you liked her - and now she hasn't got a bf anymore, she wants to hook up again out of the blue.
rebound, without a doubt.
Reply 3
im not sure ...

it probably depends on the nature of the conversation between you. It could be that she didnt talk to you coz she was going out with him & then missed you & so called again now. However, if the conversation is really flirty a lot of the time she might just be using you to get over him without realising your feelings for her.

If I were you, I'd try and find out what she's been like with other guys and whether she's treated them with respect.

Hope that helps,

Reply 4
The cynic in me says she's a user and you should ditch her before she makes a fool out of you.

However as someone who has communication problems herself (I have actually lost touch with someone for well over a year then got back in touch again, but this was another girl so obviously there's no romantic incentive) you should probably hear what she has to say though. I'd lay it all out on the table, tell her what it looks like to you and see how she responds.
Reply 5
do you know how many other people shes still in contact with? If she's fallen out with a loada mates & her ex-bf, she could be turning to you as a shoulder to cry on...

It really depends on how she was with her ex-bf and what ur talking about now
You still want her? After she's had sex with another man?
From her point of view you're probably a rebound. the thing is, how much does that matter to you?
Sounds like a rebound to me - stick around but dont jump for at least a couple of weeks, more like a couple o months to play it safe. If you go into a relationship so soon after a break up it probably wont work out that well.
Reply 9
I wudnt have said she was acting flirty, she just seemed interested in meeting back up, it was just the whole calling after a year that seems a bit off. I'll play it safe, just see how it pans out for a while. That seems to be the best idea
rebound, without a doubt.

certainly sounds like that.

depending on how much you like her - either enjoy being used as a rebound fling - or talk to her and see what she expects to ahppen between you

You still want her? After she's had sex with another man?

which is a very normal thing to do
Reply 11
Well I've contacted people after not talking them for ages just because of something like looking through my contacts, either on my phone or online & deciding to get back in contact (I've done this with primary school mates & all). I mean, if it was rebound tbh I'd've thought she'd do that with someone at her work or online. They'd be more easy than a long time friend... it depends on loads of factors
Reply 12
pffft, why cant things be simple. succckssss!
Reply 13
mm no what u mean... u should see my other thread bout my buddy being evil.

I think it must just be relationships in general

or certain people's anyway
Reply 14
well she's not evil, at least I dont believe she is. I'm simple, it's awesome, and I'm definately not evil, although sometimes I think I'm too nice for my own good.
Reply 15
mmm i get ya... still would you rather be good & used sometimes or bad & hated by everyone?

keep ur innocence... keeps u special:wink:
Reply 16
Special is only one step away from unique, I dont particularly want to be the odd one out. That just sucks too much, but it might be true. And thats whats does it
Reply 17
special eh? thats deangerously close to unique. I dont really wanna be the only one here! that'd get mighty lonely
Reply 18
oops, thought it hadnt posted then
Reply 19
well everyones unique & it might sound lonely but its a hell lot more fun/happier! If you let yourself be yourself, people will see you're genuine and hang around with you for you not the stereotype u might be trying to be

so its altogether better

and it gives your confidence, self-esteem and individuality a boost

which is loaddds more important in the long run