Ok theres a lil bit of backstory here so just hang with me. So I knew this girl in college, met her in the first year and by the end of AS we were really good mates, but then she dropped out of college, got herself a job and a boyfriend. Now I havnt spoken two sentences to her for a whole year, and not seen her at all.
A couple of weeks back, just before I left for uni she phoned me up. She was telling me how she split up with her boyfriend and if I'd come see her. So I went to see her and we've been talking pretty much daily either by phone, text or online and on sunday we're meeting up again.
I just thought it was a bit weird that she'd phone me up, after she aint spoke to me in so long. As you can probably guess I really quite like her, but I seeing as she just split up with her boyfriend I'm not quite sure how to handle it. So what do you guys think?