The Student Room Group

Lump in my side

I have a lump to the left of my stomach just above my hipbone. It's been there for about a year now. It's not sore or anything, but I'm just wondering what it is. I'm very thin and just wonder if I can feel an ovary or something. Tend to only be able to feel it in the morning before I've eaten. When my stomach swells as the day goes on I can't feel it.

Any ideas? x
Reply 1
It wouldn't be your ovary, as they're actually very deep in your pelvis. I have no idea what it might be though - does it feel like it's in the skin or deeper inside?
Reply 2
It's not in the skin, it's deeper. It's quite hard and about the size of a grape
Go see a doctor.
Reply 4
I have no idea why people post up threads like this, however, I have prepared some general advice, delete as appropriate;

It's nothing/cancer, go see your doctor/undertaker if you're concerned.