The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I got an offer of AAA but actually got AAB and still got accepted and so did a lot of other people I've spoken to doing this course so don't worry! Not sure if they'd accept any less than that though xx
Reply 2
I met someone who got ABB this year and got in.
Reply 3
Is there anyone here that is studying at Cardiff and got an offer of less than AAA? If you miss your grades having accepted an offer, is it possible that you can still get in?! Many thanks! :smile:

Yeah. I applied to study Physiology and Psychology at Cardiff - I only wanted to do Psych on its own but I didn't think I could get the AAA grades. On results day I did much better than I'd hoped for (AABB... one of the Bs was 1 mark off an A) so I rang them up and they were completely fine about me changing to Psych without having the right grades. And they seemed to think there were loads of places left too.

Don't get complacent though! Still gotta work your ass off this year :smile:
Reply 4
Im wondering the same thing.. the chances of me getting AAA are getting smaller!
I think i'll get a good indication when we get our jan exam marks back, but i don't wanna wait that long in making cardiff my firm.
Reply 5
I got in on AAB, knew I wasn't gona get straight A's and they offered me the place with my predicted grades as AAB, plus I was applying for med school at the time so my personal statement was all "i wana be a doctor etc" and they still offered. Getting in is a piece o' piss :smile: