The Student Room Group

Worried about catching 'something'

I hate it when somebody you're taking to or sitting next to in class has a cold and they may give it you.(Colds, sickness etc..). I appear rude and try not to talk to them for example.
I have a thing where i worry if i've caught their germs and keep on hoping i'm not ill.
Does anybody else have this problem and how to get out of this 'state of mind'.:frown: :frown: :frown:
It's getting really really really bad. I hate it and cant help it. :frown:
Reply 1
there are alot of different conditions to describe this sort of behaviour. i would suggest it as a phobia. really you need to beat the fear on your own accord. its ok to be cautious of these things, after all no one likes being ill but dont segregate yourself in case you do become so.
It's inevitable you'll get something.:smile:
Reply 3
Good luck when you start uni, if you haven't already. Fresher's flu is a pain :frown:
Reply 4
The thing is is that a lot of the time you will catch things simply from being in the same room as someone or touching something that someone else has touched, so there's no point in even thinking "Ooh I shouldn't talk to that person because they're ill".

Just try to think "Well there's no real practical way of avoiding illness" and get over it (easier said than done I'm sure!) :smile:
Reply 5
dont let it play on your mind , peope get colds-sores live with it theses , nothing to get hot and bothered with now isit!! :confused:
Reply 6
Germs are good for you. Our society is too clean. Live a little, get sick, have a day off in bed watching crappy TV.
My friend, when someone sneezes near him, holds his breath for 5 seconds.
