The Student Room Group

Eh? Does this mean I'm a lesbian?

(mods: keep anon as this is personal)

I'm really confused at the moment. To set out the scene, I've just started going to uni this year and obviously meeting new people and stuff.
My confusion comes from the fact that I sometimes get really full blown crushes on girls (I am female as well), like for example, I've just met a girl on my course and I'm like really blown away by her, like I want to spend all my time with her. I think she's really cool and pretty and I was like looking at her facebook and wondering 'do I fancy her?'

I have a bf at the mo who I love to bits and I dont want to break up with him, but I always seem to get crushes on girls aswell as guys. I really don't know whether its just extreme admiration or something else.
When I try and think 'would I be able to have a sexual relationship with a female?' I never totally rule out the option although it does slightly disgust me, but only as much as sex with another person does.

Oh I'm just really confused, I went through a phase when I was younger of thinking that I was a lesbian but that seemed to pass. All I'm really wondering is, is it normal-ish to 'fancy' same sex members?:confused:

(btw I know this sounds a stupid post becuase it wouldn't really matter if I was or wasn't gay, it wouldn't really affect my life that much, its just im confused thats all:smile: )
Reply 1
The term you're most likely looking for is Bi-sexual, not lesbianism
Reply 2
Remember that there's no need to classify yourself as "straight" or "gay". Sexuality is a continuum and many people find themselves somewhere in the middle - i.e. bisexual but perhaps with a preference for males or females.

Don't worry about it. :smile:
I'm quite confused about my sexuality, I think or pertty sure I'm straight but I do look at girls and think their "hot" or "cute" but I prefer to have an intimate relationship with men rather than a girl. I doubt my minds venture any further than saying she's "hot, cute, pertty" or whatever.
Maybe you are more bi-curious, but for the sake of your boyfriend don't have a fling with a girl, it is still cheating.
Reply 5
The term you're most likely looking for is Bi-sexual, not lesbianism

I'd say more bi-curious. Crushes are a lot different from full sexual attraction.
Reply 6
Maybe you're bisexual?

I mean, I've had one full-blown crush on a girl before myself, and I'm a girl too, when I was 16. That girl was one of my best friends - we're still close friends now, she never found out. Anyway, the crush passed and I've never had that with any female since. Sometimes I still get curious about what it's like to kiss a girl or have a relationship with a girl, and the idea doesn't disgust me - but neither does it appeal. I'm just curious.

Basically, as much as women appeal and as curious as I am, I don't see them sexually, whereas I do when it's a man, hence I've concluded that I'm definitely straight :smile: So I guess the question is, do you see women sexually, like you would normally see a man you fancy? Like, I see a beautiful woman and I see that artistically and I end up wanting to study them for artistic reasons, but I see a good-looking man and I go "Phwoooar...!" lol and I end up wanting to study them for sexual reasons, so the appeal is there for both sexes but it's a different kinda appeal/attraction.