The Student Room Group

Messed things up a bit...

Right, recently, I blocked all contact with a girl I really really liked, and now I can't stop thinking about her, and I want things back as they were. How can I go about this the right way?

Some background:

The girl and I had an LDR for quite a while.
She phoned me up for my 18th, and told me she loved me, and wanted to meet up soon.
I found out about 2 weeks ago that all the while she'd been with other guys, even though she'd been telling me to keep away from other girls.
I told her that it would be better if we went our own ways, cause she obviously didn't care; I'd had no other relationships (since i'd known her) except her, while she'd been going around with a load of other guys.

So basically now, I'm starting to regret it.
Even if we weren't dating, or whatever else, she was a really great friend, like the best female friend I've ever had.
I want to get things back now, but I've deleted her number from my phone, deleted her from MSN, bebo and myspace.

There's two reasons why I possibly want her back:
1. I genuinely love her. I mean, I've 'gone off' her in the past, but I've always gone back; I've never gone so far as wanting her out of my life before though.
2. I promised her "on my life" that I'd visit her, and every time I think about her I hear her saying "Do you promise on your life?" Silly, but still a viable reason.

Please help, anyone?

Has anyone been through something like this before?
How could I get back to the really good terms we were on?
Should I just forget her, and keep trying to move on?

I guess I'm only posting this because I'm a bit scared of her reaction in the long run. I suppose I think she'll turn me away, or she'll tell me she's over me, or that she doesn't want to talk anymore...
Reply 1
She cheated on you numerous times and doesn't even regret it. Are you willing to put up being constantly cheated on, because this kind of behavior is unlikely to change? Do you think a person who really cares about another person would cheat on them repeatedly? Move on before you hurt yourself more than you already did.
So she tells you not to go near other girls yet she was going off with guys behind your back. Grow some balls and ditch the cow, she is not worthy.
Reply 3
You really wanna face the social stigma of fully knowing that your girlfriend has been cheating with other guys and you just let it happen. Continue that ethos into later life and you'll be a complete pushover...

In the short run she'll hate you, but it's probably worth it considering her lack of respect to you in the first place. If you wanna re-meet don't fall back into old habits, i don't wanna respond to the same thread in 6 months time, kthnx
Reply 4
I wouldn't meet her until you're completely over her. Trust me, I'm hanging out with my ex and by now, it's been 2 weeks since we got back to uni and we've pulled like a hundred times and sleepovers :redface: It's ironic that I'm giving break up advise when I'm handling mine this stupidly, but take it from someone who's been there - who is still there lol - meeting her now will only mess with your head. Don't go there. You think you will control yourself, your feelings etc, but when you get there, you really won't, and you will fall back into old habits.