The Student Room Group

A cold and shortness of breath - no inhaler!

I used to suffer from mild asthma when I was younger and whenever I got ill with a cold, I had to use an inhaler to prevent shortness of breath, slight wheezing etc. But for literally the past 10 years, I've been completely fine with my asthma and I thought it'd gone.

Now I'm really ill with a cold, and I'm experiencing real shortness of breath when coughing. I just had a little coughing 'fit' and it's feeling tight inside when I'm breathing. Is this normal, or is it a sign of asthma again?? I'm **** scared cos I haven't got any inhalers so I hope it doesn't get worse! Is there anything I can do at home DIY to help with better breathing??

DIY? Are you putting up shelves or stopping yourself dying? Go to a doctor. Jesus.
Reply 2
With conditions like this it really is impossible to even attempt a diagnosis over the internet. All I can say is that you should definitely get it checked out by your GP. :smile:
Reply 3
DEFINITELY go to the doctor. a couple of yrs ago the exact same thing happened to me...i had had asthma as a young child but it had pretty much gone, when i got a cold and started getting a bit wheezy. i left it and ended up getting broncitus, sinusitus and rinitus. go see a doctor asap!!
Reply 4
Also in the mean time going to the doctor focus on your breathing so that you become more relaxed make sure you are the one controlling your breathing and don't hyperventilate.
Reply 5
Seriously you have to go to the Doctor because the same thing happened to me and I had to go to hospital as I was only able to breathe in a tiny bit!!!!!

In the time being try and do something non-strenuous that distracts you from the fact that you can't breathe, like watching a good tv programme or something
Reply 6
Well today it's got a bit better by itself, but it's still there a bit cos when I try to take a deep breath in, it's suddenly restricted. Doctors are shut over the weekend anyway, so will go in this week I think. Thanks for all the advice

PS: Don't you only get bronchitis if you smoke?
Reply 7
PS: Don't you only get bronchitis if you smoke?

Not necessarily, although smoking probably increases the risk.
Reply 8
I have asthma and i get exactly the same symptoms when I have a bad cold/flu (had it a few weeks ago actually). To me it sounds like the asthma has come back but its not a problem, just get yourself down to your GP and get it treated.
Reply 9
i dont smoke and i have bronquial asthma and i have had bronchitus a load of times. although as said previously, smoking increases the risk of getting it.
I've heard that steam helps a little - not sure if its true or not.

but yeh, Doctors seems the best option.
bright star
COPD is chronic bronchitis, not acute..... you can't have COPD many times, once you have it, you have it.....

Yes, but like with asthma you may be pretty much asymptomatic until you get a bit of a cold and have an exacerbation.

To the OP - yes it is probably your asthma. Most people with asthma grow out of it mostly, but it does mean you'll still be predisposed to bouts when you have colds etc. I wouldn't worry too much. See your GP, get a prescription for some inhalers, and start getting back into the habit of keeping one on yourself for a while.
bright star
yeah have a steamy bath, fill it with hot water, then run some cold water into it, that'll make it really steamy.....

or alternatively just get a bowl of water fresh from your kettle on the kitchen table, stick you head over it with a towel over your head like normal (if old) people.
whatever floats your boat really
bright star
all i meant is that you're not very likely to get COPD if you don't smoke....

True enough, but the definition of COPD is significantly more lax these days. The number of people with it who never smoked nor even had a high risk occupation but suffer 'COPD' is growing.
Reply 14
Just thought I'd round this off by saying I did go to my doctor, and as thought, it was just a simple case of me having a viral cold and the asthma making a re-appearance.

Apparantly it's getting more and more common for asthma to come back if you've had it as a child, because of factors like pollution etc. That's what my GP said anyway.