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Reply 1
someone was a nervous boy.
Reply 2
It could be that you were too nervous or your mind was somewhere else. Sex isn't just about 'penetration,' you also need to have foreplay and oral sex.

Nothin' to worry about, you hear it all the time in PSHE, i.e. don't worry if you get any erectile dysfunction problems. :smile:
Be glad you don't have the opposite problem.

Also: Explain to the girl that it wasn't her fault and stuff.

Also: Had you been drinking??
Reply 5
Happens to a lot of guys. Don't worry about it too much, you'll be fine next time. And alcohol always makes it much more difficult
happens a lot i understand, is this the first time with this girl/guy or is it the first first time? if it's either, then it's possible that's it's just nerves!
Reply 7
i pinned my boyf down till he was hard and then i wouldn't let him go till he came,

not really lol theres nothing to worry about or you will panic its kinda sweet a guy gets that nervous must mean you really like the other person!! don't explain to the other person otherwise they might think "oh hes just saying that, it must be me" jut give it a few more goes you will overcome the problem so to speak!!

Many contributing factors, it happens to all blokes and it WILL happen to you again at some point. Don't be embarrassed, if she's worth it she'll not mind.
She will mind, but probably not for the reasons you're expecting. Please explain to her that you don't think she's ugly/bad in bed or she'll probably assume that's the problem.

And like others have said, don't worry too much :smile: (That will only make it worse :P)
She will mind, but probably not for the reasons you're expecting. Please explain to her that you don't think she's ugly/bad in bed or she'll probably assume that's the problem.

And like others have said, don't worry too much :smile: (That will only make it worse :P)

Feck sake. What kind of girls take an embarrassing moment for a bloke and turn it into something about their own self esteem?

Well, if it happened when I was about to have sex with someone, I would assume it was to do with me, because there's nothing else in the room and therefore nothing else to have that effect on him.

Actually, screw that, that did happen, and that is how I felt. How was I supposed to know what the problem was? If even a guy can not realise what the problem is, even afterwards (as evidenced quite neatly above), how is the other person supposed to? (Obviously they can, but it's less likely as it's not actually happening to them!)
Well, if it happened when I was about to have sex with someone, I would assume it was to do with me, because there's nothing else in the room and therefore nothing else to have that effect on him.

Actually, screw that, that did happen, and that is how I felt. How was I supposed to know what the problem was? If even a guy can not realise what the problem is, even afterwards (as evidenced quite neatly above), how is the other person supposed to? (Obviously they can, but it's less likely as it's not actually happening to them!)

Er... there are many reasons for things like that to happen.

I think maybe, you need to work on your self esteem issues OR look into sexual edcuation more deeply.
Ok, let me rephrase that. I knew that sort of thing could possibly happen. It's not an education thing. And, in retrospect, it was stupid to feel that way. Yeah, my self esteem is a bit low, but I don't think having someone physically unable to have sex with me helped at all, and I don't think someone with better self esteem would find it enjoyable, even if it didn't affect them personally too much :P
I'm not saying it IS enjoyable, but it's not your issue. It's happened to me plenty times and i've been fine. I understand that it's not me, in fact I KNOW it's never me.

That's important.
It has happened to me since and by then I had realised that. :smile: But although it wasn't caused by you or me, that doesn't mean we weren't involved somehow. Even though the problem wasn't strictly anything to do with me, I was still involved in the situation, if you see what I mean. :/
No, not really. If you mean that he found you so incredibly attractive that he just got too nervous?

Failing that, he was tired and you just happened to be there...
Taking things too seriously mate. Just laugh it off, have a fumble, see if it's happening... if not roll over and go to sleep. Tell her she's lucky to even be allowed to lie next to you, and that she'll get her dicking in due course when you're good and ready. And she'll say thankyou, or else she gets the hose again. Or not, as the case may be. Ahah.
Of course I don't know for definite, but I would imagine that rinabean is saying that she (or any woman) was still involved in the situation because, for example, if he is nervous about how he'll "perform" in bed, he is nervous because he is with the woman. Thus she is part of the issue/situation.

Yes, that's what I meant :smile: Thank you - I'm bad at explaining myself. :/
Yes, that's what I meant :smile: Thank you - I'm bad at explaining myself. :/

You're welcome :smile: I thought you were quite clear really, and I completely agree with what you were saying :smile: