The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
some say jealousy and insecurities, some do it just cause they bitchy :tongue: i think it depends how they do it and how mean it is lol
Reply 2
It is a question that men have pondered since the dawn of time.

We may never know the real answer
I don't know why
Perhaps because you are bitching aboot us, right now
Don't generalise - we aren't all that bad!! :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Depends what kinda bitching - if its just bout clothes then its just coz they're shallow & think that the value of someone is based on their fashion sense

if its bout personality it could be the same or maybe they hate themselves so much they gotta put others down to try & raise them a bit

anyway, what did they do to make u start the thread?
girls do bitch like mad, but some guys do too!
Reply 7
u have to remember guys bitch too! just in different ways
Reply 8
Cos it feels damnnnn goooood :-D

Most of the time. Sometimes it's unnecessarily mean and makes me feel uncomfortable, it's about knowing where to draw the line. Bitching with one or two very close friends about someone who is annoying the hell out of you is cathartic. Those big mass bitching sessions where a lot of snide and cruel remarks for no particular reason are passed around are horrible, and the people involved are pretty much doing it cos it makes them feel better (about themselves). Girls are for the most part seriously lacking in self esteem when compared to guys - doing down the female competition is a way of boosting it. And also, some people are just mean.
My group of friends never seem to bitch very much. It's good! Unless they're all just bitching about me...
Makes them feel better about themselves...

Girls are stereotypically insecure, so they reassure one another by putting down other people and bigging themselves up.

...although I do like a bit of a bitch myself sometimes...

I guess its just fun :smile:
Reply 11
Ahh.. guys do it 2, some are even worse than girls :biggrin:
Reply 12
nougat speaks words of wisdom
Reply 13
u have to remember guys bitch too! just in different ways

Yes guys do bitch, but at least if we don't like a guy, we will tell it to his face. It won't be like:

"I can't stand Sarah, she is a total stuck up bitch"

Sarah approaches

"HEY, how are you?"

*gives Sarah a hug*
Reply 14
Emm, you may ask them. Aha~~
Reply 15
Interesting feedback.

What prompted me to start this thread? It's not these girls especially, it's just all the girls i know at home and here at uni (give or take a few) seem to get off on talking about other people as well as people within the group. Back home I saw a few friendships ruined because people talk too much. Why? Just let it lie. I don't understand, what good can come of it?!
Reply 16
I don't even know why, and I'm female!

This is why I soooooo much prefer hanging with guys. They're just so much more chilled.
Reply 17

Cos it feels damnnnn goooood :-D

indeedy it does everyone does it whether you are at school, work or just waiting for a bus there is bitchyness everywhere you turn and its just a way of life, someone annoys you slag them off, simple really but i always feel better after a bitchfest!! (about people i don't like and who really don't like me)
Reply 18
This is why I soooooo much prefer hanging with guys. They're just so much more chilled.

i totally agree, i meen i have good friends who are girls ( my best friend is girl) but im much more of a guys girl, im not a tom boy though or anything like that
Reply 19
This is why I soooooo much prefer hanging with guys. They're just so much more chilled.

I actually have more girls as mates then guys for some reason