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Reply 1
go on the pill,
yes see a doc if it's bothering you that much
The pill would definately increase your bust size. However i would go to your GP if the matter is bothering you that much.
Reply 3
i wish i could tell you to just make the most of what you do have, etc, but i don't think you'd really take it in. one of my closest friends has NO chest and she's the most stylish fashionable person i know with an amazing modelesque body/vibe about her. she's very very pretty and one of the best people i know. she'll moan about it from time to time but it's clear it doesnt get her down because she's out having too much fun with life. i don't know what i'm trying to say here but you know. if it really does bug you to the point where you can't enjoy life then yes see your doctor.
Don't worry about it is what I say:

Keira Knightley is one of the most attractive women... ever but she has little to nothing in the breast department. They're not everything y'know :wink:

Reply 5
The pill may not do anything for you. I'm on it and it hasn't changed my cup size. (A)

I don't really know what a doctor would do for you to be honest. The best option is to just accept that that's the way you are. Failing that, padded bras are good.
Reply 6
If every other aspect of your sexual development is fine there's nothing a doctor could do really. If you really wanted to change them you'd have to get a boob job, but for the love of god don't do that, they are the tackiest things in the world. Seriously, just embrace it, easier said than done I know. Clothes will look a hell of a lot better than you than someone with massive knockers and you won't just be constantly viewed as a sexual object in the most primitive of ways. Boobs have serious comedy potential I reckon, and they definitely aren't the be all and end all, loads of guys aren't particularly interested in breasts but find legs or bums far more attractive. Imagine all of the most beautiful and stylish women in the world, and now imagine them all with large breasts. It sexes them up whilst making them less beautiful and less interesting. Plus, yours are never gonna sag :-D

(Hope I haven't seriously depressed any generously breasted girls reading this..)
no hero in her sky
Not definitely. It didn't change mine.

Anon: Have you gone through puberty in all the other ways?

Well it has me (2cup sizes) and it has done so with my friends so i just assumed that it had the same affect on everyone - apologies for assuming......
Reply 8
Be glad! I'm size FF cup & you wouldn't believe how much agro comes with it! Finding clothes that look decent is generally impossible unless i spend loadsa money on them & even then they make me look dumpy. I have this lil waist so to find something that actually shows that off is impossible! Also, unwanted attention alert! If I wear I low-cut top into school I can guarantee at least one male teacher will talk to them for about 5mins... it sucks so bad!
Reply 9
oh forgot to add... i've been at least a D since I was 12

Reply 10
I reckon you shouldn't worry about it - you can wear all the couture style stuff many of us can't!
Trinney and Susannah are hardly the greatest fashion gurus but some stuff here:
might help you out.
Reply 11
Don't go on the pill and fill yourself with chemicals unncessarily. So what if you are flat chested, that just makes you one of two things, the same as a lot of people or individual and different. If you meet a guy and his line is 'do you come here often, and what cup size are you' then you'll probably not be interested in him anyway! Chemicals and surgery are really bad options compared to being natural. Look at the surveys out there. Most men, regardless of what you might think, prefer natural, small chests rather than the hideous big flabby fake ones.

And when you are 50 and those around you are scooping their boobs up so they don't bash their knees, you'll be still standing proud.

You may or may not develope more, but be happy. I saw a programme the other day with Kate Lawla talking about her small boobs and she was way happy. Saves money on bras too. What's sexier, a slingshots that get on your bloody nerves or being free under a Tshirt - if you know what I mean
Reply 12
and look at kate moss, I'd like to be a penny behind her
There's basically nothing you can do to change it unless you want to get fat, or fill yourself with silicone. The pill didn't change my lack of titties at all, personally. I've heard drinking lots of guinness can cause some growth in that area, but I've not tried that one yet... Well, not enough guinness to have an effect at any rate...

Anyhow, best thing is to learn to like the way you are. There are plenty of positive things about not having enormous breasts, as people have already said.
Heres a question i have ALWAYS wanted to ask...

So, do you have hair down there?

hahaha awesome.
Reply 15
Don't worry about it is what I say:

Keira Knightley is one of the most attractive women... ever but she has little to nothing in the breast department. They're not everything y'know :wink:

Thats a fair point but remember the public are shown post airbrushed pictures of celebrities which adds to peoples insecurities i'm sure.

Reply 16
Look how much skinnier she is in the airbrushed photo too....ridiculous.
And more tanned!!
Yeah, Keira Knightley is hot... if you're into prepubescent boys. :s-smilie: weirdos.
Reply 19
Anddd even her hair has been made to look thicker at the top. If nothing else, airbrushing is gonna lead to generations of lazy and unskilled photographers :-D