The Student Room Group

Is this a good enough reason to take time off uni?

I've been seeing my b/f for some time now and we are trying to plan a trip to Spain to see his children (who he hasn't seen properly in nearly 2 years)
Thing is, we can't really afford to go in christmas/easter holidays, and he can't get time off work at these times anyway.

So does anyone know if this is a good enough reason to miss 4 days of uni? I'm doing costume, which seems to be the only course at my uni that doesn't have a reading week! I really want to go to look after him, as well as to meet his kids as I intend to be around for a while!

Any help would be much appreciated!
Reply 1
As it's only 4 days I don't see it being much of a problem at all - you can easily catch up in your own time?
Reply 2
You might actually find that you have gaps in your schedule and won't miss anything in 4 days. It's very likely you'll have a friday and a monday at some point if you can go over a weekend. Or you'll have times when you have less contact hours and therefore may be able to miss less things.
Reply 3
Isn't 4 days the same as 1 x saturday & sunday, plus 1 x saturday and sunday?

What are you waiting for. We are only young once. How much can you miss really? Go for it and don't look back.
Reply 4
Thanks for your replies :smile:

well actually we were gonna go for 6 days, i was factoring two of those for the weekend, so 4 days of uni missed. How do you reckon I should go about informing my tutors? We generally have 9.30-4.30 contact hours 4 days a week, and I feel I should really let them know in advance....
Reply 5
Honestly? In a situation like that, I wouldn't, as they're unlikely to be sympathetic. If it were me, I'd be tempted to feign illness.
Reply 6
Bloody hell. When I was in first year, I used to not show up for a whole week just because I couldn't be bothered with "those bloody lecturers pontificating nonsense when I could be having a coffee".

It's a university, not school. So long as you get decent marks in the final exams, they shouldn't care how you manage to get them.
Reply 7
you reckon i can get away with four days, plus a weekend, without a doctors note? plus that means ringing them every morning from spain....
Reply 8
Tbh, if they say you have to do things like ring up on the morning to explain your absence, it's very likely to be an empty threat to deter people. I rarely, if ever, got chased up if I missed a lecture, whether this was due to illness or not, and my uni made these kinds of threats all the time.
Reply 9
It doesnt matter if you miss lectures. So long as there is no register, which some lecturers insist on, then just go. I wouldnt advise telling them youre going on holiday though.
Reply 10
Ah righty, see we have a register, twice a day, cause its not really lectures as such (damn art course!)
not having been sick yet, I don't know what they'll do!
Ah well, I gotta be honest, this comes under 'more important than uni' to me, they won't kick me out for four days right
Reply 11
For my course, we have 'special leave' forms (it's similar to yours where we shouldn't miss days, and are usualy always registered. I would also be reluctant to just miss days). See if your uni has the same thing- there must be a way of applying for leave of absence in advance.

Im going abroad during christmas and will be missing three days of uni. They say that just as long as you let them know a month in advance, you aren't missing any assessments/exams and that you have a flight ticket/doctor's note/wedding invite you should be okay to go.

I'm sure it won't be a problem, let them know in advance so you can begin catching up doing things you will miss. Look ahead at your timetable and make sure you aren't missing anything important.
Reply 12
god yea, we had those at my last uni, didn't even think about it!!

thanks, I'll look into it :smile:
i agree with the others, just inform your lecturers you wont be in uni for a few days. I took my first day off today cos I'm aided up with a chest infection... trust me you can catch up on 4 days work in no time.