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The only way really is to push yourself to do things that are out of your comfort zone.
Reply 2
I've always been quiet and someone who's hardly ever noticed. How can you stop this and gain confidence to start to talk to more people and stop being sooooooooooo shy. I blush really really really easily therefore i'm very self conscious.

I've never been able to figure it out, but alcohol helps.
Reply 3
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The consumption of White Wine may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you.
The consumption of White Wine may be a major factor in getting your ass kicked.


but seriously, im like that sometimes, used to be so bad, but you just have to force yourself to do things you find difficult, like going to parties and proper conversations etc... just pretend to be confident, and one day you may find that you're not pretending anymore :smile:.

also, i just realised, like meg-2007 said, nobody cares or notices what youre doing except you.. and even if they do? who cares? its other people insecurities that make them make judgements of you, not you. as long as your happy thats the main thing.. and you're obviously not happy being so quiet & unconfident.. so change it :smile: i know its a hellva lot harder than it sounds, trust, but youve just gotta grit ya teeth an do it :biggrin: gd luck x
^As all of the above have said^
It's all right dude, just try your best, it'll be alright in the end :smile:
Reply 5
speak of which, I think I'm going to go out and get... 'confident'
Reply 6
Remember that you're just as good as anyone else.

maybe not as good as me

Reply 7
i blush really easily too, and do that thing where i blush even harder when i realise i'm blushing. but i just acknowledge that i'm blushing (for some reason, knowing that others know i'm aware of the blushing makes me feel better and then i feel considerably less nervous) and then no one bats an eyelid.

it's hard to stop caring about what others think about you but you just....kind of....have to!
Reply 8
I was exactly the same as you a year and a bit ago. But then when i started my new course at a new college i started fresh and am alot better for it. You just need to lose it and throw yourself out there.

Don't think about what they're thinking about you because what everyone else thinks doesnt matter, it's all about you. Once you realise that you'll have no problems with confidence.

P.S I dont mean become an arrogant tit, still be nice/funny/witty :P
Reply 9
maybe try enlisting in a drama group or something. you may dread to think of it now, but eventually you'll become more confident. worked for me :biggrin:
Reply 10
maybe try enlisting in a drama group or something. you may dread to think of it now, but eventually you'll become more confident. worked for me :biggrin:

Reply 11
You've labelled yourself as shy and now shyness/timidity is part of your inherent self-image - you will find yourself doing things subconsiously (e.g. blushing, not having the confidence to speak to new people) to conform the image of yourself that you have created and thus stay 'true' to yourself.

The only way to rectify this is by altering your self-image. Good luck.
Reply 12
I was bullied a lot in lower school about blushing and the way i am generally, i think that if i try and change it would make a difference. My own gran told my brother that i need to get out more and that i stay in too much.
Reply 13
I was bullied a lot in lower school about blushing and the way i am generally, i think that if i try and change it would make a difference. My own gran told my brother that i need to get out more and that i stay in too much.

I think if it get's that far surely you'd just do something about it?

Just talk to people at school/college/uni, doesn't matter who, just say something. Then say a bit more and so on...

Then one day you'll find yourself sitting in a big circle with alot of people who like you, and you like them and maybe there will be a girl/boy next to you who likes you alot and you like them alot too.

You can only achieve this yourself. This isn't something you can get help with. People won't just talk to you, you have to show them you have something of value, e.g. you're funny, clever, witty, useful, attractive, cultured etc...
Reply 14
Can be worth while to listen and remind , they was really close once to your!!
Reply 15
I get to a point where i ask "does anyone actually like me, wtf's the point in trying to make friends- i just get the piss taken outta me."
God i need to change(and get out more- where if i have nobody?)
^Don't be too harsh:smile: ^
Reply 17
I have similar shyness/confidence/social anxiety issues and am finding it quite difficult to change. I think the first thing you need to do is identify what makes you nervous e.g. certain specific situations etc to try and find out the root causes of your anxiety. For example I used to think I was just nervous of all social situations, but later realised I was mainly nervous because I could never think of stuff to say etc. Therefore trying to overcome the fear is a bit pointless because even if I did go out I wouldnt be able to have a decent conversation and would just feel bad about it, but by trying to learn conversation skills I feel more confident in those situations which reduces the fear automatically. If you are avoiding situations that aren't particularly scary (i.e. you don't feel the physical symptoms of fear) then it's possible you don't have social anxiety, but are just "avoidant" in which case the solution is to gradually start putting yourself into situations you would normally avoid.

For the record a few websites I have found useful: - Loads of tips on social skills, meeting people etc. - stuff about social anxiety and recovery in general - have a search for social anxiety or shyness - loads of videos from people with similar issues

P.S. I seem to remember someone mentioned a while ago about starting a shyness society or something. I think that would be a great idea as there seems to be quite a lot of threads like this around.... Thoughts?
Why does everytime someone ask for suggestions everyone talks about alcohol and getting drunk? :confused: Some of us aren't alcoholics y'know.