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Grade my Essay please ;)

Just throwing around some ideas about Jekyll and Hyde in an Essay Form; Please feel free to praise and criticise ( hopefully constructively).

The name “Hyde is a play on words, suggesting various truths being veiled by the hypocrisy of human nature. Utterson personifies a children’s game, “If he shall be Mr Hyde, I shall be Mr Seek” and this is ironic as the transcendental nature of the story, is far away from the simple understanding of a child. The theme of the duality of human nature is presented in the name of Hyde as it implies the hidden unconventional (In Victorian readers) qualities of a man.
The maid who witnesses the murder of Carew “conceived a dislike” for him suggesting that his “troglodytic” appearance terrifies the maid; his sub-human features strike fear in her. At this point, Stevenson uses this description to allow the tension to build before the Volta of the murder of Carew.
The “heavy cane” that Hyde uses could be an extended metaphor for the simplicity of Hyde’s emotions. When Hyde is first introduced, Stevenson rids him of the complexity of human emotion, portraying him as a man with the power of evil in his “savage laughter”. Therefore, the cane, being older technology compared to the guns’ available act as a parallel to Hyde’s simple desire for evil.
However, in hindsight, during this scene, it seems as if we can see subtle hints of Jekyll which are present in Hyde. He was “trifling” suggesting not only agitation but also hesitation before he commits the crime. From these hints, the moral of the story jumps out at us as we begin to realise that the character of a human being cannot be completely split but rather one is just more powerful than the other.
The “great flame of anger” that Hyde shows, suggests his impulsive, uncontrollable nature. This could be a continuation from the personality of Jekyll as he acts impulsively when he creates the medicine. The taste of freedom almost renders him dependant on the medicine and therefore he loses control over his life. Therefore, the word “flame” serves as a double-entendre as it could also be used as a descriptor of the nature of Jekyll’s desires.
Similarly, the present participle is an impulsive, confusing action. This in conjunction with the description of “madmen” emphasises the loss of mental balance in Jekyll that drives him to become Hyde and commit abhorrent crime.
Repeatedly, Stevenson breaks down Hyde’s criminal nature into animalistic behaviour. He is “ape-like”, creating him as an unforgivable beast.
In addition, the description “ape-like” could be a way to push away the new ideas being introduced in the 19th century. In the 19th century, Darwin published his Origin of the Species suggesting human beings could have evolved from apes. Creating a violent criminal who is described as ape-like could be a way of undermining Darwin’s ideas in a setting where medicine is prevalent.
Again, the way “tramples his victim” is reminiscent of his introduction in the first chapter. Hyde is powerful enough to kill with his bare hands. The prospect allows Stevenson to terrify the readers, explicitly explaining the repugnant actions of Hyde; creating him as a repulsive and chilling character.
Teach me. That is quality grade 9 material, if you can keep that quality up in and keep relevant to the exam.
Reply 2
Original post by maximokmo
Teach me. That is quality grade 9 material, if you can keep that quality up in and keep relevant to the exam.

Thanks, that is so nice to hear.
Hopefully I can
Out of interest, how many quotes do you know for J and H?
Reply 4
Original post by maximokmo
Out of interest, how many quotes do you know for J and H?

Honestly, I'll be relying on the extract for quotes but I'm keeping like 10-12 extremely short ones in mind.
Examples being:
"savage laughter"
"If he shall be Mr.Hyde, I shall be Mr Seek"
"man is not truly one but truly too"
"the moon was tilted by the wind" (or something like that in Chap 8)
"smoothed by hypocrisy"
" Satan's signature upon a face"
etc etc
That is some Grade 9 analysis, you don't need to worry!
Original post by sch.chx
Honestly, I'll be relying on the extract for quotes but I'm keeping like 10-12 extremely short ones in mind.
Examples being:
"savage laughter"
"If he shall be Mr.Hyde, I shall be Mr Seek"
"man is not truly one but truly too"
"the moon was tilted by the wind" (or something like that in Chap 8)
"smoothed by hypocrisy"
" Satan's signature upon a face"
etc etc

Ok that's interesting to know!
A very thorough, acute analysis :smile: the one thing I'd say is you might want to structure it more clearly; as it is you don't seem to be making an overarching point or commenting on an overarching idea, and you would of course need an introduction and conclusion as well as a bit more cohesion in your points. But you've done very well, I think.
Reply 8
Original post by Sonechka
A very thorough, acute analysis :smile: the one thing I'd say is you might want to structure it more clearly; as it is you don't seem to be making an overarching point or commenting on an overarching idea, and you would of course need an introduction and conclusion as well as a bit more cohesion in your points. But you've done very well, I think.

Okay, I'll definitely keep that in mind. I suppose it will help my writing look more comprehensive and therefore better for the examiner as well. Thank you
hey, thats a good answer, wen is ur J AND H exam?
Reply 10
Original post by AKA2234
hey, thats a good answer, wen is ur J AND H exam?

Erm.. not 100% sure but it's the first English Lit paper somewhere around the 20th I think? Maybe the second Monday of exams
ohhh, is ur first exam on the 16th of may?
Reply 12
Original post by AKA2234
ohhh, is ur first exam on the 16th of may?

yes, I've got French as my first
lol good luck, mine is biology
Very good essay there, obviously this was from a while ago and you've done your exam already - how did you do??
yh how did it go?
Original post by SourApostrophy
Very good essay there, obviously this was from a while ago and you've done your exam already - how did you do??

I'm guessing your exam is this year. If so, good luck! I've also got mine too
Reply 17
the ideas are good but aren't essays meant to be written from an exam question. I'm trying to help because in my school we get given an exam question and we write 3 big and good paragraphs that are at least a page long each for one exam question. If you write your essays this way, it will be difficult for you in the exam answering questions.
Original post by Zamzana
the ideas are good but aren't essays meant to be written from an exam question. I'm trying to help because in my school we get given an exam question and we write 3 big and good paragraphs that are at least a page long each for one exam question. If you write your essays this way, it will be difficult for you in the exam answering questions.

I'm fairly certain that this is just an excerpt, although she omitted that information. :smile:
any chance you can send me some.of ur work on my email. I'm grade 2 and really panicking