The Student Room Group

Any tips for getting rid of...

Neuralgia and earache? I know the former is rare for a 19 year old girl but I can't think of what else it might be. I went to the Dr and she said it wasn't infected. It could be symptomatic of the medication I'm taking but I'm not entirely sure.

I'm in quite a lot of pain:frown:.

Thanks in advance,

Reply 1
Nope, okies. Thanks for reading my post anyway. xx
Reply 2
Hot water bottle on the ear. That soothes the pain anyway. I've had ear problems all my life, thats the only thing that helps until it goes away itself.
Reply 3
Thanks Mega. x
Reply 4
... sorry to hear you've had ear problems all of your life. Must be hard x
Reply 5
i think that the hot-water bottle idea is good- i do that when i have earache. and just snuggle up in bed as much as possible! poor you!
hope you get better soon xxxxx
Reply 6
I get severe ear pain sometimes OP, because my wisdom teeth are coming through. If yous are starting to come through maybe you should see your dentist as ear pain can mean they are coming through awkwardly.
Reply 7
Thanks mexx :smile:, qubog. I'll ask my dentist at my next appointment. xx
Reply 8
Yeh wisdom teeth can do it. I had such a bad pain in my head last night that I felt dizzy but when I really considered where the pain was coming from, it seemed to be in my jaw. I definitely have wisdom teeth coming through so I put it down to that. I find stretching my jaw / yawning can help with the pain.