The Student Room Group
Reply 1
If you're going through stressful changes then this can delay it by a few days as well
- stress
- gaining/losing weight
- change in cycle/irregular periods (if you're fairly young)
- change in contraception
- pregnancy
stress is a biggy:smile:
Can a change in diet be afactor as well? I have recently turned vegetarian and i am 5 days late :frown:
Reply 5
anything can affect it! it is also quite common for your boddy to snece when other girls around you are starting and your boddy will try and get in sinc with them, its like a hormoneal detection which relates back to neolithic times. its basically because the serviaval instinc of any species is to reproduce and to compete to reproduce!! its odd i know!! but its common!

plus its also not uncommon for anyone going through any change in their life, big or small to be early, late, or even miss one!! take the test if you feel there are circumstances that may mean you could be pregnant, even do it if you just want to reasure your self!! but consider everything you have done eaten thats out of the ordinary or experienced in the past month or so!!

anyway, no need to worry im sure!!

Can a change in diet be afactor as well? I have recently turned vegetarian and i am 5 days late :frown:

Dunno. Quite possibly. I suppose you're not getting as much iron, if you're not eating meat?..
Reply 8
maybe a little soon for that i would hope!!

Reply 9
There can be a number of factors which will effect your cycle. Moving house and the stress involved could definitely influence it. I have been known to miss periods completely during periods of extreme stress. Try not to worry. Maybe wait a week and if there is still nothing take a test just to be sure. One day here and there really isn't that unusual.
Reply 10
anything can affect it! it is also quite common for your boddy to snece when other girls around you are starting and your boddy will try and get in sinc with them, its like a hormoneal detection which relates back to neolithic times. its basically because the serviaval instinc of any species is to reproduce and to compete to reproduce!! its odd i know!! but its common!

Yep, it's called the McClintock effect if my memory serves me correctly. It's to do with pheromones that we can sense from other women; it generally occurs where many women are living in close prxomity- university halls, nunneries, etc.

I'm just gonna reitterate what everyone else had said- diet, stress, wieght change blah blah. Sometimes you can be stressed without even realising you're stressed! One day isn't much to be late by though. Give it a few more days then take a pregnancy test.
Yep, it's called the McClintock effect if my memory serves me correctly. It's to do with pheromones that we can sense from other women; it generally occurs where many women are living in close prxomity- university halls, nunneries, etc.

I'm just gonna reitterate what everyone else had said- diet, stress, wieght change blah blah. Sometimes you can be stressed without even realising you're stressed! One day isn't much to be late by though. Give it a few more days then take a pregnancy test.

ahhhh, yeah thats it, i totaly was trying to remember the name!! thanks, just jolted my memory back into action!!! full of the flue!!!

which reminds me, illness like a cold can also have an effect!!!!