For over two weeks now I've either had one incredibly long cold or two or more back to back colds. It's really got me down (especially over fresher's week, the doctor put me on antibiotics so I couldn't drink) and it just doesn't seem to want to go away. In the past colds I've had have often only lasted a few days, a week at most, but this time I seem to have gone through at least 20-30 toilet rolls of snot in just over 2 weeks (graphic, sorry) and whenever I start to think I'm improving, I've got worse again.
Admittedly my diet isn't great (microwave meals etc.) but I'm trying to drink half a litre of orange juice a day, I've been taking multivitamins for a year... my sleeping pattern is also pretty bad, on average I go to bed around 3 or 4 am and usually don't sleep too well, and until recently I'd been getting drunk most nights regardless (except when I was antibiotics).
However, my friends have all had this cold and are all fine now, even though they went out drinking/playing football with it. Being something of a hypochondriac I'm starting to worry that it could signify a serious problem with my immune system. I'm trying to continue as usual but it's bringing back depression, and the depression is probably making it worse. Oh, and I've seen several doctors - their advice was basically "just carry on as normal, don't do anything silly".