The Student Room Group
Reply 1
There's a hairdressers ON campus, it's right next to the Union...

They always seem good to me, and pretty cheap.
Reply 2
I knew there was one on campus, but I wasn't sure about its reputation. :smile:
Reply 3
Erm well as far as I'm aware it doesn't have a bad reputation. I like them, though to be fair my only requirement is "cut it shorter and don't leave it looking *******ated, I'll do the styling."

Side note: That has to be the weirdest censorship of a word I've seen so far on TSR.
Reply 4
I still go to the one on campus!! They're really friendly and always do it how I want it
Reply 5
Dont go to the one on campus. I went there and didnt really enjoy it.
There's one at Cannon Park shops. Regis. Its expensive tho, the one in my town is like over £30 a cut.
Reply 7
The one in campus was fine for me, £10 a cut, doesn't take that long, good job.
Reply 8
its satisfactory at best. the only save is that it has v.nice ppl working at it. I'm just glad that my hair grows and in a week or so it will look v.good again.
Toni and Guy, they're the best imo. You can get a student discount, its £17.
are they on campus!? either way, £17? how? is the discount 50% or something? NUS Extra?
are they on campus!? either way, £17? how? is the discount 50% or something? NUS Extra?

No, i don't go to Warwick. If you're a student you get a £10 discount from Monday to Thursday.
Do it yourself, a set of clippers coss you 30 quid, ive already effectively got my money back and its not that difficult...