The Student Room Group

Should I go for him?

Im 16 and I've lived in Spain for about 5 years.

There is a guy I like at my school who is best friends with a guy my friend kinda likes. Well she is really doesnt like going up to talk to guys so i'd prefer to wait until she goes up with me to talk to the both of but the problem is that there is a girl in school who i barely know and she is kind of scary in all aspects. Today (first time i met her...) she said that she and the guy I like are going to be baysitting together and she has it in her head that its a date. I dont think he likes her but i dont like to be mean so should i just leave him to her or should i still try and get him??
Reply 1
why dont you go up to the guy yourself? you say your friend is "annoying" about going up to guys, but surely you could just as easily go talk to them?
Reply 2
OMG its you!!! oops sorry :biggrin: